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So I don't know when this was but Weller was on insta live with one of those girls that feature in Tobi's vids. He starts moaning that he isn't invited to the charity match again & he doesn't think he will be because 'JJ is still pissed about the boxing'. I mean he won, yes he wanted to 'knock him out' but at least he won. Also I feel like Weller only wants to go because it's getting bigger & doesn't want to miss out even though he hates JJ.

PS does anyone else have a feeling that Ricegum will join in this year?


This morning I woke up quite early mainly from Pickles deciding to waltz into my room at stupid a clock and start meowing in my face until I fed her. I knew once I got up I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I decided to make some flapjack along with going on to the balcony to do some yoga.

While I was in Paris I really got into yoga, mainly because before every gym session we all got together as a group and spent twenty minutes focusing our minds. I did some stretches before going into the tree pose, it took me a few minutes until I was fully steady on my foot, I lifted one foot up and placing it on my thigh as high as it would go. I took long breaths in and out my mouth as I placed my arms above my head, I stared out into the distance and focused.

I was around half way through my morning session when I got rudely interrupted by Mere waltzing in, clearly no one cares about privacy anyone.

"Look what I've got" she smirked dancing around showing off the black box in her hand.

I raised my eyebrows at her as I tried to think what it could possibly be. "Is that..." was all I managed to get out before she let out a squeal that gained the attention from the pets before she handed it over.

I placed it down and took in a steady breath before opening the box, which sure enough contained my golden boot. I made sure to pick it up by the stand not wanting to get finger prints all over it. It shined beautifully in the little sunshine that was out, it was spotless that you could see yourself in the reflection. Just looking at in made me feel giddy inside, I mean this could be my only one in my career.

"Any thoughts on where you gonna put it?" She questioned smirking at me.

I bite my lip and shook my head. "Book shelf maybe?"

She nodded in agreement. "Well in that case you better work your butt off for next season to get yourself another to make them book ends" she explained. "Speaking of which lets go for a run around the park" she suggested clapping her hands together.


"How are you feeling?" I whispered as I ran my fingers through his newly dyed hair.

He let out a groan as if I understood what it meant. "It feels like the room is spinning and I'm freezing" he said in a groggy voice.

I put my hand on his forehead which to my surprise was burning up, his cheeks were flush which was probably because he has overly covered himself up because he feels cold.

"Aw baby" I pouted at him. "Shall I tell you what you need"

He opened his eyes and looked at me for the first time since I walked into the room. "An amazing blowjob" He smirked making me scrunch my nose up and giggle.

"Nope I was going to say soup" I pointed out which made him groan and pull the duvet over his head. I rolled my eyes at him and jumped under with him with him instantly cuddling up to my legs.

He suddenly frowned and looked up at me with an annoyed look. "What?" I giggled running my hand through his hair again.

"You smell different"

I nodded. "It's Mango, I run out my other one so I had to use this one" I pointed out. "I feel like I'm in the Bahamas"

He scrunched his nose up before returning his head back on my legs. "I don't like it"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I don't like you half the time but there you go" I sassed back which made him fake laugh which made him wince at how loud he was before groaning and nuzzled his face into me more for comfort.

While Simon was asleep on me I mainly caught up with some YouTube videos, I was signed into Simon's account so I was mostly watching people who I didn't really know but they were in his notifications. I was half way through one of Jesse's videos when I heard the door open with JJ and the dogs come waltzing in.

"Hey J" I smiled at him.

He stayed quiet and just sat on the bed infront of me and smirked. My eyebrows furrowed at him as I tilted my head to the side probably looking like a dog.

"What? What have you done?" I asked skeptically.

That boyish smirk of his appeared on his face, he took the laptop from me before typing something in and clicking on something before handing it back.

"Check this out" he smirked.

He nodded as my eyes went down to the screen to see it was one of his videos called Two Birds One Stone. Great this must be another diss, but who for?

I started biting the skin off my lip off as the video begun, for some reason I was quite nervous about what he was going to say. The beat was quite catchy and I could see JJ in the corner of my eye dancing while he kept his gaze on me for my reaction. I watched as he appearance in different areas of London, I mainly read the lyrics just so I could take in what he was saying. I worked out he was calling Weller Popeye and was boasting that he slept with one of Joe's girls, as well as saying other shit like he is faking his haunted videos, saying his most viewed video had himself on it and something about depression. Which left a weird taste in my mouth. He then went on about Bog which was a come back from his latest video.

"So what did you think?" He asked once the video was finished as he pushed the screen down.

I nodded. "Depends..."

"Depends on what?" He pushed me to tell him more.

I shrugged. "Depends if you want to look like a massive dick"

He instantly started laughing, almost like chuckling which was quite unsettling. "Some of the things you say about We...."

He cut me off. "Oh my god! Do not start trying to protect the little dickhead!"

"What has he actually done to you? I don't understand why you both are beefing all of a sudden!" I raised my eyebrows at him.

He let out a groan as he threw his head back. "Bro. Come on you have to admit he is a major knob head, he thinks he is all that and he needs to be pegged down a few notches"

"Couldn't he say the same thing about Jide?" I questioned.

He said something under his breath as he stood up and walked away making sure to slam the door behind him which made Simon jump awake. He rolled away from and fell straight to sleep cuddled up to Sting.

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