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This is very jumpy chapter from different points of view... so um read carefully?

Yasmine's Pov

It's been an hour since we got pulled off the pitch and have been locked into our dressing room with an armed officer who was stood infront of the door.

I've been sat in my place with my head in my lap trying to make it any clearer who I saw in the stands, and hoping that they were all safe. Being in the dressing room meant our phones had no service, so we couldn't reach out to anyone just to comfort our minds. The coaching staff tried to keep the mood light and got us playing games, but you could tell they were as tense and shaky as everyone else.

We could hear the crowd who were still in the stadium every so often who were probably getting entertained, along with a few shouts from the security in the corridors. The armed police officer who was in the room with us seemed to edge more and more closer to the door trying to get the update from his colleagues.

I grabbed a water from the mini fridge and made my way over to him coyly, hoping that no one would notice and pull me away.

"Hey, have some water" I smiled at him and handed him the bottle.

He took it and smiled at me, he put his gun over his shoulder making it sit under his arm. He uncapped the bottle and took a long swig.

"Do you know any information on what's going on?" I questioned casually.

He looked at me before wiping his mouth. "This is honestly just a safety precaution"

"A safety precaution? For what?"

He opened his mouth for a second but instantly stopped. "Listen, there's been a shooting very near by. We've shut down the area off just to keep everybody safe" he spoke calmly.

I bite my lip and took in his sympathetic look. "What a great debut this is" I joked trying to lighten up the mood.

He gave me a small smile before a voice appeared in his ear, he turned his back on me and listened to the voice. I turned away and walked back to my spot.


Grayson's Pov

"What?" I frowned as I looked from JJ to Simon to Tobi who were all giving me the same sympathetic look.

We were now allowed to leave the stadium after being stuck there for two hours, then deciding to call off the match for safety reasons.

"Bro you need to listen to me" JJ spoke up stepping towards me. "Meredith had left the stadium before it went into lock down.."

I instantly cut him off. "W...What is she is ok?" I panicked looking at Tobi.

"She's fine" he nodded.

I looked back at JJ. "Listen to me. We haven't got any further news but the shooting happened at the hotel you were staying in" he said with his voice slightly breaking.

"Oh my god. Is my dad alright? I haven't heard from them and they were supposed to be at the game today" I started rambling.

Both JJ and Simon couldn't bare to look at me in my eyes, I noticed that Tobi's eyes were glazed over.

Oh no, this is bad. No they've got to be alright. That's all I've got in my life that mean a lot to me.

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