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Liked by Joe_Weller, Mere_Lloyd and 23,456 others @YasLloyd10: This is my mumma

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Liked by Joe_Weller, Mere_Lloyd and 23,456 others
@YasLloyd10: This is my mumma. The most kindhearted, loyal, generous, inspirational, determined women I've ever met and I've got so much love for her. It breaks my heart knowing that she probably doesn't know how much she truly means to me. Looking back I never really truly appreciated everything that she's done for me - from always making sure there was food on the table to clothes on my back and happiness in my heart and always standing in my corner when I needed backing. She was always the first one to make sure my dad & I were on good terms after one of our little arguments, by making her cookies. Always was there with open arms to console me when my team lost & congratulated me when we won, always telling me I was her little winner.
She reached me that us woman are our own person and we don't need a man to provide for us. I am this person now all done to the strong mum I had guiding me the way.
I know these last few years have been hard for the both of us, but we managed to get through together. I should of told you how I really felt for you and kept you a little closer. I should of held you a little bit longer and spent more time on the phone with you, just to hear your voice more. All I want for you is happiness and to feel loved, because boy don't you deserve it.
I need you with me mum, I need you to wake up and hug me and whisper in my ear that it's going to be alright, because right now... I don't think it is.

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