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DISCLAIMER: Sensitive topics

One Week Later

My whole body felt numb. There was a heavy ache in my chest which made it hard for me to breath as I tightly gripped the side. My head aches making it feel the whole world was spinning around which didn't help by my blurred vision due to tears crashing down on my cheeks.

"Please..." I sobbed. "Please come back" I cried as my legs gave way making me crash to the floor.

They say it's hard to lose a parent. But nobody said losing both parents is soul destroying.

I felt so empty as the words left the doctors mouth, informing me that my mum was no longer on this earth. I had million to one emotions enter my body, as the nurse gently sat me down trying to comfort me. But honestly how can you comfort someone who has just lost everything?

Denial- I found myself just staring at the door where she was, convinced that she would walk out any minute telling me how she wouldn't give up on the fight that easily. But of course she never did.

Lost- the two people who were always the guiding light for me in both my life and my career have now diffused their lights. And now feel like a ship sailing trying to find its lighthouse.

Anger- For both of them this could of been easily avoided. Dad could of received treatment and if I didn't make them come over with them, she wouldn't have been caught up in this mess.

Fear- I'm worried for anyone to get too close to me as I'm clearly not good luck. I've been a witness a source of three deaths. I should of fought harder with dad to show him that there was more to live for. I shouldn't of booked those tickets.

Happiness/Pride- When my mind wandered through memories I couldn't help but have a stupid smile on my face as I relived some good times when it was just the three of us. How mum and I used to go into shops and try on dresses and use the corridors as our catwalks pretending we were Kate Moss. How we used to always go to our local park in the summer for BBQ's and always found ourselves running through the woods, trying to find the Red Riding Hood's grandmas house.

"This isn't fair, I still need you" I whispered.

I was stood on the roof as I felt a cool breeze blow through my hair. I put my forehead on my hands which was resting on the side.

"Mum you said you would be at my wedding wearing the biggest hat while you cry your eyes watching dad and I walk down the aisle. How you've got the most cringy speech ready for me" I spoke.

I wiped my eyes as I looked up to the rather cloudy sky. "I can't do this without you both, please come back...don't leave me...please don't leave me by myself" I broke down.

I felt someone grab me as I cried into their chest.

"I'm here, cry it all out" JJ spoke softly as he rocked us back and forth.

"It's not fair"

"I know, I know" he whispered pecking my forehead.


Two Days Later

"Bro she hasn't left her bed since we arrived home, she hasn't touched any of her food and hasn't spoke to anyone" JJ whispered into his phone as he kept his attention on the blondes petite body in his bed.

Yasmine was laying on her side with her knees bent up to her stomach. She was laying on her hands as her once bright blue eyes were now less blue and staring into the distance. She could hear JJ talking about her to someone but she couldn't careless, she didn't feel like fighting anyone, she had no energy.

Unknown to both JJ and Yasmine, Mere and Katie came waltzing in with her two dogs in each of the girls arms. They gained the blondes attention when she heard the barks of her dogs. She hardly moved or showed any emotion as the girls put the sausage dogs down who instantly starting to attack her with kisses over her face.

"Hey pudding" Katie beamed as she slotted herself behind and started to spoon her.

JJ was watching closely as the two girls sandwiched the young Geordie, he watched as they whispered to her. Mere was playing with her locks as Katie was kissing her bare shoulder. It was quite obvious that she wasn't really paying much attention as eyes were now on the her dogs rather than the random spot, she's took interest for the last few days.

He excused himself into his wardrobe so he could speak Simon in more private, who was only downstairs but he doesn't want to show his face and upset her anymore than she is.

"Dude I'm scared that she'll do something stupid again" Simon whispered as he paced around the kitchen with both Freya and Tobi watching on.

"She won't, she'll have everyone around her to support her more" JJ tried to convince himself as well as his best friend.

"And she hates feeling suffocated when people are all over her" Simon stated.

The Watford born peeked his head round the corner and saw the three girls were now sat up, each girl was braiding her hair as she picked at a few scabs on her knees. Yasmine only agree to sit up because she knew how whiney Meredith can get and thought it was the best idea to just go along with it, despite how achy her whole body felt.


Yasmine's Pov

I woke up to find myself in a darkened room, the only light that was coming in was from the window, which showed the sky which was around the blue hour in the early hours of the morning.

I felt someone's arm around my waist which made me turn around to be faced with Mere. I ran my fingertips along her defined cheekbones which she definitely inherited from her Aunty. Her eyes fluttered open before her grasp tightened around me. She leaned in and pecked my cheek.

I pulled away and jumped out of bed with her hot on my tail as I walked out onto the balcony.

"Do you think they have reunited?" I whispered as I pulled my knees up to my chest.

She nodded. "Honestly I do"

"What do you think it's like?"

"Truthfully, I don't know. But I like to think everyone wears white all the time, harps are playing softly in the background. With doves flying above the clouds" she spoke softly. "Filled with dogs, every family members are reunited with eachother and everyone is happy"

A small tear fell from my eyes. "I like that thought" I smiled as I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I love you Yas"

"Love you Merebear"

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