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So.... I don't know if I am officially back, I'm just gonna take each chapter as it comes 😊 I have generally missed writing about Yasmine!!

Three Days Later

A lot had happened in the space of three days, Yasmine mainly stayed in bed and felt sorry for herself as well as a shitty human. She was in a lot of pain which made Simon sit with her and comforted her but she truly didn't feel like she deserved it. She wanted to feel everything pain, as she was killing both her and Simon's baby. And she couldn't help but feel guilt that she did that when other women can't get pregnant.

Despite Simon's efforts to try and get the Geordie to tell coach that she wasn't fit enough to play at the weekend, she didn't have the balls to tell her due to how big the game is. So despite how much she was feel fragile, very much like a delicate chandelier she still managed to get into the starting eleven. The coach drummed it into the team that a draw would hopefully still give them the change to win the league, in hope that Manchester City women would lose their game which was being played just a few metres away from the Blues ground.

Yasmine felt like her senses were dialled up to 100 as she stepped onto the field. It was as if she could hear everything around the stadium, she heard clicking sounds coming from the cameramen who were sat on the touchline holding massive cameras. A few fans were cheering and were singing at the top of their lungs, which was mixed in with coaches last minute shouts. Her nostrils were filled with the fresh scented of her kit that the kit man always used to wash the kits  before the matches, with a mixture of scent of fresh hotdogs and pies (which definitely didn't help her stomach).

Every seemed to notice how fragile the blonde looked as she joined in with the teams warm ups, it was as if she was only giving 30%. A few fans noticed her wince a few times and even clung onto her self as she tried to catch her breathe after one lap of the width of the pitch. The only one who didn't seem to notice was coach.

The game was in its 34th minute and the fans were starting to get annoyed with the whole team, as they just wasn't clicking. It was as if all eleven members of the team were on a different hymn sheet, all of the passes were too long or too short which Reading Ladies seemed to read and cut it off. Yasmine wasn't up to speed and seemed to dodge out of tackles which she usually would happily go toe to toe with them to the final line. By a miracle Reading seemed to be scoreless and the blues had a chance with a free kick. Both Fran and Yasmine were stood over it while they were whispering to each other, the whole blue corner were confident that whoever would take it would 100% not miss. It was currently pouring down with rain which didn't help the situation, Lloyd managed to steal the ball from the midfielder, she effortlessly used the cruyff turn before she managed to run through the middle. The fans started to cheer, she ran keeping low keeping the ball safely in her possession. As she looked up she saw two defenders standing strong in-front of her, she tried to slip between them as she kicked the ball over them but instantly felt the blow to her stomach as she fell in a heap.

The Chelsea faithful booed as the ref appeared handing out two yellow cards to each players before walking over to Lloyd. She was was still in a heap on the floor as Kirby and Bright were stood above her. She climbed to her feet with a grimace still visible on her face, the ref past her the ball for the free kick. Three players were stood around the ball as the ref organised the players wall, Karen Carney and Ji So-Yun were more involved than Yasmine who was focussed on her shin-pads and blue knee socks. But it was intact the Geordie who was taking charge as she put her hand up to tell the ref she was ready. Her blues eyes connected with Savannah who was trying to keep free from her marker, she then moved to the goalkeeper who seemed to be further left than in the middle. She calculated that if she chipped it over the end of the wall the goalkeeper wouldn't be able to reach it.

As she put her hand down she took a step back, before Karen made a false run then she shoot it, as soon as her foot made impact she felt her foot slip underneath her, she followed the ball as she landed flat on her arse. The ball flew over the Reading players wall and fell into the back of the net, just hitting the cross bar and bouncing in. The ground erupted in cheers as her teammates all ran over to the blonde who already jumped back onto her feet and ran towards a set of fans and celebrated. She hugged a random man as everyone was high off the adrenaline.


Despite the hard work of the team they fell just short as Manchester City managed to win. Straight after the game Yasmine made sure to get out of their as quickly as she could, she turned down the dinner that David and Eden organised for the team, for their efforts. But considering she wasn't in the mood she went straight home and hide in bed with her dogs.

Simon let himself into the flat and instantly got greeted by Pickles who still isn't his biggest fan. He got out her food that he picked up from the store before he got here. He had to pick up Pickles and place her down on the floor about eight times before he managed to brew a tea. He put everything on a tray before walking to her bedroom, there was a few boxes around the apartment due to Yas deciding to start the packing already. He turned around and pushed the door open with his back, he looked over his shoulder to just see her blonde hair on the pillow as she hide her body under the duvet. Shearer was sat inbetween her legs while Sting was in laid in a ball just beside her head.

"Babe" he whispered as he placed the tray down and greeted the two boys.

"Leave me alone" she grumbled.

"I know you are hurting, but you need to focus on the next few weeks"

She stayed quiet and peered out of the duvet, with a small frown on her face.

"Can we just sleep" she whispered.

"I've got you sushi?" He whispered back.

She shook her head. "Cuddles and sleep will be fine"

He smiled before placing the tray on the chair before getting in the bed beside his fiancé and instantly engulfed her.

"I know this might sound selfish but I'm glad I have all of your attention" he cooed kissing her forehead.

"Football doesn't take my attention off you"

He mumbled as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Are you sure about that?" He smirked. "I just cannot wait to get married to you"

"I cannot wait to be a Minter" she cooed.

Nothing Else Matters - Miniminter Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt