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"Today I am very excited to say I am joined with a very special guest, my eight year old daughter would think I am cool right now" the middle aged women joked.

Yasmine and Florence were sat in a room together that overlooked Newcastle, they were sat either side of circular table with two microphones that sat on top while they both had giant headphones on.

"I am here with Lionesses and Chelsea Women striker, who is in fact one of the toons own. Yasmine Lloyd!" She announced.

"Hello! Thank you for having me! I've been listening to your podcast for a while now and I'm so stoked to be here" the blonde gushed.

Florence smiled. "Before we come on air we were both just gushing over each other! It feels like we have known each other for ages because we have known of each other for a while"

"Definitely" she agreed.

"So as I've said I've been following your career for a while now and have watched from the sidelines your rise. But tell us what made you fall in love with football"

Yasmine was quietly thankful that the first question was easy as she knew that Florence usually goes down to an emotional level with her guests quite a few times.

A small smile appeared on her face. "It was definitely my dad who made me fall in love with the sport, there wasn't a women's team who I could look up to but my dad believed in me and thanks to him I managed to get into a local team where I was the only girl in the team"

"You played with the boys? How did that go?"

She nodded as she chuckled. "I was like the secret weapon, I used to always get subbed on in the second half when we were probably losing. I come on and the opposition coach used to always shout 'don't tackle the girl' so that obviously just gave me a free reign and I was probably the top goal scorer for two seasons"

Her face lit up. "That's amazing! You said that there wasn't female player for you to look up to back then, but now who would say is your inspiration?"

Yasmine twisted in her chair as she let out a small humming noise as she thought. "I've got a few, Carli Lloyd, Alex Morgan because they just keep breaking records don't they. Katie Chapman and Kelly Smith also, I've been lucky to work with them both and share a pitch with them, they were always the first out and the last in, their work ethic is insane!"

"They are all great!" She agreed. "The Chelsea teams are pretty good at mixing you up together with the senior men and the U21's, how does that help the camp?"

"I think it's good, not to sound cliche but we are like a big family, we all train together and gym together and then mix for lunch. Everyone knows everyone and we all back each other, it's nice"

"Am I allowed to ask, who is your favourite?" She smirked.

She bite her lip as she thought. "Honestly they are all great! I usually get picked on by Eden, Oli or David with Willian ending up standing up for me" she chuckled. "I could sit with anyone of them really, it depends on the mood and what you want to talk about"

"Who out of the two teams would most likely pull you to one side and put their arm around you and give you some advice?" She questioned.

"A lot of them do to be honest, I tend to listen to Carly Telford a lot- also Millie Bright she usually gives me some home truths- out of the guys none really, whatever they say I do the opposite" she jokes making them both laugh. "You know surprisingly Lingard has some good advice too you know"

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