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DISCLAIMER: I feel like I should make one before you guys start reading this. As I know all around the world people are affected with Terror attacks and I don't want to trigger anyone off. Me including this in my story I mean no disrespect at all.

Grayson's Pov

"Where are they?" I grumbled as my eyes shifted from the door behind us where I was expecting them to come from and Yasmine who was on the pitch below warming up.

"They'll be here, you know what my Auntie is like, she likes to turn up at the last minute" Meredith spoke trying to calm me down.

Something didn't sit right with me not having heard from my dad, and I knew that they wouldn't miss Yasmine's England debut. I knew that if Yasmine would look up here and not see her mum she'd probably freak out and she definitely doesn't need that.

I heard the door open which made my head snap round to see none other than JJ and Simon, I groaned in annoyance and sat down.

"Nice to see you too bro" JJ said sarcastically before hugging Meredith.

"What are you even doing here? You know she hates your guts right?" I questioned aiming it at Simon but keeping my eyes on the blonde.

"Gray" Meredith warned.

I saw in the corner of my eye that JJ pulled Simon away from us and to their seats which were just across from us.

"Play nice" she whispered. "Let me go try and ring them again" she spoke before walking into the stadium.

The longer the blonde was gone for the more nervous I was getting and the more my imagination was getting to me.

Meredith's Pov

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I whispered to myself as I buried my phone back in my pocket.

I turned around on my heels and instantly spotted Amy and Joe approaching. I instantly pounced on them.

"Thank god you are here! I need to go somewhere, something has come up, I need you to distract Gray so he doesn't realise I have gone" I rambled to them.

His eyebrows furrowed as he took in my little demand. "'Mere you cant leave!"

I nodded. "I will be back as soon as possible! I've got half an hour before it starts, I'll try and get back before but I don't just keep him occupied" I demanded mainly looking at Amy now.

"And what about Yas? She'll look up and not see you"

I felt my body wince as I didn't even think how she'd react when she can't see her mum or myself.

"She won't, she's too nervous about having a good game. And even if she does she'll be too happy to see Joe here" I smiled.

I quickly pecked Joe's cheek before rushing off. I ordered myself an Uber hoping that it'll be outside waiting outside by the time I leave the large stadium and get onto the road.

Weller's Pov

I went straight to the bar and ordered some beers, which was my first attempt to get Grayson's mind off the missing blonde. Amy opened the door to the stadium where our seats were allocated, as soon as I got out I found Grayson's gaze on me, his body instantly tensed up as his knee rocked.

I spotted JJ, Simon and Tobi sat a few seats away from him in a conversation not really communicating with the young Devon born. I walked over to him slowly and sat beside handing him a beer, which gained the attention off Simon.

"You know he's underage right" he pointed out.

I nodded. "That's why I brought it"

I looked back at the brunette who was just staring at his soon to be half sister.

"She'll be fine" I admitted. "Trust me, all her emotions now will be all forgotten as soon as the whistle goes for the match"

A small smile appeared on his face and he took a sip of his beer. I felt Amy's hand on my arm.

"Hey where did Meredith go?" Tobi questioned which tensed Grayson body up again.

"She was calling my dad, that was a good ten minutes ago though. Where the hell she is now?" He rambled starting getting more nervous.

I shot a glare at Tobi who was still stood beside us.

"Don't worry mate, I'll go find her" he spoke as he slipped away from us.

I nudged Amy to follow him and to tell him what is happening, at this point it'd be more than helpful with them on our side to not mention the M word.

Meredith's Pov

My Uber driver who wouldn't stop talking, managed to get me as close to the hotel as possible, before I had to jump out and run through the vehicles. As soon as I got onto the street where the hotel was, my heart instantly broke into pieces.

There were multiple ambulances and police cars, with a lot of bloodied people and bodies. There was a strong smell of gin powder the closer I managed to get towards the 5 star hotel. I was looking around frantically in search for any sign of them, not really sure if I did want to find them or not.

"Sorry ma'am you can't go any further" a strong American accent spoke and a hand appeared on my shoulder.

Tears appeared in my eyes as I saw some service people bringing out dead bodies.

"I..Ive lost my auntie" I spoke shakily. "She was staying here last night and no one has heard from them, they were supposed to be watching my cousin play and they haven't arrived yet" I broke down in floods of tears.

His face softened and he pulled me gently into a hug, letting my tears fall on his shoulder. "I promise you this doesn't mean the worst" he spoke softly.

"It has been said that the gunman has got a large amount of people hostage" a news reported spoke into her camera.

I felt my knees buckle as I cried into my hands. The police officer instantly tried to bring me back to my feet before he called for a paramedic to give me some attention.


Yasmine's Pov

As I was warming up I couldn't help but keep checking on the Americans, I couldn't help but fangirl a little seeing Carli Lloyd and Alex Morgan both on the same field as me. They are both arguable the faces of the woman in football.

I suddenly spotted a wave of shock going around the stewards around the pitch, I looked over at our coaching staff who were holding their ear pieces listening to something.

I looked up at the family booth and found Joe sat beside Gray with Tobi both whispering things to him with a small smile on his face.

Somethings wrong.

I spotted the American girls all jogging off the pitch quickly, before our coaching staff was pointing us in the direction down the tunnel.

"This is an stadium announcement, due to a shooting near by we are putting the stadium into lock down"

I felt an arm wrap around me and pushed me towards the tunnel as I felt my whole body freeze. My eyes went up one last time to check if everyone who was supposed to be here was in their seat. I instantly noticed Meredith wasn't near Tobi but before I could check any further I was firmly in the tunnel with the police closing the doors behind us.

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