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As it was Christmas Day everyone was awake at 7am thanks to Freezy and I, some was easier to wake up than others. Freya and Mere have been singing Christmas carols since we first woke them up. We all had matching onesies which we wore as we gathered around the massive wooden dining table to have breakfast. I made my special pancakes, while Emily made her banana fritters, Katie went to pick some oranges from the tree outside and spent a lot of time juicing them, which surprising made three jars.We all sat around the table to eat with A Christmas Carol playing in the background.

Once we were all stuffed feeling like a Christmas turkeys we all moved to the living room, everyone wanted to open presents that was surrounded around the large tree. But Josh being the dad of the group declined as it was still 'too early'. I laid on the sofa ready to fall asleep on Freya's shoulder while I tried to drain everyone's voices out.

"Let's get into teams and decorate gingerbread houses" Mere suggested.

"My team is Weller and Yasmine!" Cal shouted instantly grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the large table outside.

I groaned as he pushed me on Joe's knee as he sat beside us.

Everyone got into teams of three and separated around the downstairs area and started to build the biscuit house.

"Tis the season to be jolly" I sang softly.

"Fa la la la la la la la" both Freezy and Weller sang in unison.

"Hail the new year, lads and lasses"

"Fa la la la la la la la" they sang louder.

I crinkled my nose as I stuck some sweets on the icing that Freezy had just painted on.

"I don't know the rest of the song" I laughed as I sang in time to the tune.

Suddenly Mere and Gray appeared looking quite sheepish, the three of us froze like deers in headlights as we watched them carefully.

I noticed Mere grab some of our sweets before running off, I instantly jumped off Joe's lap and charged at my cousin. I pounced on her back which made her stumble forward, which gained a lot of the gangs attention.

Simon's Pov

I somehow got pulled into the gingerbread making contest by Talia, I was grouped with her and Ethan.

"So Ethan, you are in a good a healthier relationship" Talia mentioned casually. "I need some advice"

I looked over at Ethan who was concentrating on pipping the icing on the biscuit. My eyes wandered over to Yasmine who was sat on Weller's knee, she had a small smile on her face as his hand was resting on her hip. I couldn't help but feel a tad bit jealous.

"So a friend was in a relationship with this guy, who cheated on her a few times, she took him back multiple of times before cheating on him herself" she explained. "Would you get back with that person or just move on?"

I knew she was talking about Yasmine and mine situation, I carried on silently sticking sweets while Ethan awkwardly looked at me.

"Well I think people can make stupid mistakes, but they then realise what they once had when they have gone" he spoke.

"Ok I get that but what if they have moved on and are happy. Surely you should move on and not try and bring up the past between the two parties" she admitted.

Suddenly Mere and Yas appeared play fighting with the two trying to grab a bowl of sweets from eachother.

"But what if the person they have moved on with doesn't make them happy they once felt in the other relationship?" Ethan shrugged.

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