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@Chelsea_Ladies: It's all fun and games for the girls before the Lyon game! ⚽️💙 @YasLloyd10 @FranKirby  @CarlyTelford1

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@Chelsea_Ladies: It's all fun and games for the girls before the Lyon game! ⚽️💙
@YasLloyd10 @FranKirby @CarlyTelford1


The second half of the Chelsea v Lyon game had just started and coach has just signalled to Yasmine to start warming up on the touch line. As the blonde made her way down to the corner flag nearer to her teams fans, they started singing her chant loudly which made her heart flutter. During the past few weeks/month she couldn't deny that she was moved by all the lovely well wishes she received from them all. The fans and her teammates have been nothing but thoughtful and reached out to her.

If she was being honest she hated sitting around and watching the team play without, she felt useless, she could see a gap in the team where she was supposed to fill. Yes, the team won just about but the game would of been a lot easier if Kirby had her to play off.

She pulled off her bib off and placed her small shin pads on under her long blue socks before pulling them over her knees. Coach appeared beside her and was telling her the game plan, which she knew she would have to retell to the others. She took a quick swig from her water bottle before the ref put up the substitute board up. The new signing Karlie Page ran over and high fived her new teammate before the Geordie stepped on the field which made the supporters let out a gigantic cheer.

The game stood 1-2 to Lyon so it was all to play for the West London side. Everyone could see why the coach decided to bring her on, as she would be more likely to score compared to Karlie who is still new to the whole Chelsea way of playing.

Within minutes of the number 10 being on, Millie Bright found her with her instantly charging and taking on the French defence. She managed to get to the box, she could see the keeper come off her line. She kept calm and chipped the ball which annoying went just wide. The crowd all let out a groan of annoyances as they all held their heads like a round of head,shoulders, knees and toes. But they could see that the team was getting closer to at least get back level.

As the game went on it was obvious to everyone that the French were leaving their studs in when it came to Lloyd, hoping that she would react and get a sending off. Chapman was always the first one to her teammate to help her stand up as she winced at the pain she felt in her leg. She kept reminding her to keep her head and not to react just like they wanted. The more she was on the floor she could feel her blood boil, she kept calm ignoring the French players trying to get her to react.

Lyon won a free kick after a silly challenge by Hannah Blundell, likely for them Telford instantly grabbed the ball before there was any real danger. She spotted the South Korean and throw it over to her path, they were quickly on charge with three v two. Ji slotted it over Lloyd who took out one defender before she side footed it over to Fran. Kirby went wide of the goal before she kicked the ball across the goal which made connection with Chapman's forehead with it rippling the back of the net.

2-2. All of the Lyon's players heads dropped as they walked back to their started positions as the stadium erupted in cheers as all the players in blue rushed over to the corner flag as they all hugged each other.

The game finished 3-3, with 93 minutes not being able to separate the two sides. Any neutral would of enjoyed the game as neither side gave up. Even if there was another 45 minutes it still probably wouldn't of been able to separate them.


"Dude calm down!" Fran giggled as she watched her teammate pace infront of her.

"Calm down? Christmas is in two weeks and I haven't even started shopping!"

"At least you've got another two weeks, you've still got loads of time" Carly tried to be supportive.

I let out a groan as I fell across my bed. "What idiot doesn't know its nearly Christmas" I groaned.

"An idiot that has a lot on her plate" Fran admitted. "I haven't even finished mine, we can go shopping together"

"I've finished all mine"

I glared over at the goalkeeper which made her laugh before zipping her lips closed.

"Everything good would be sold out" I pouted.

"Most of my presents are going to be signed football shirts, I made Hazard and Pedro sign a few last week" Fran laughed.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Don't think that'd go down well"

I grabbed my laptop and started browsing for ideas what to get people for last minute gifts. Fran decided to leave quite soon after and said something about going to have a FIFA game with Karlie. While Carly FaceTime her fiancé and soon after was fast asleep.


I looked out the window trying to find out where Joe was taking me, the more we were going further out of the city and more into the country side the more I felt nervous.

"Is this where you take me into the middle of nowhere and murder me?" I joked as I looked over at him.

He laughed as he carried on jamming to some NSYNC that I had connected from my phone.

His singing was rather off tune, nothing for Timberlake to worry about. But his dancing was the only thing that was getting him through the performance.

"I was thinking of us going to look around an abandoned house" he spoke casually.

"Fuck off!"

He let out a small laugh as he pulled off the country road and stopped at a gate. He jumped out the car, my eyes stuck on him as he walked into the headlights and pushed the gate open, he ran back round to the car and drove through to see a small dirt track, with high grass either side.

The dirt track was quite small before we found ourselves at a smallish lake.

"Come on" he ushered as he got out the car.

I followed him closely mainly because I didn't want to be left alone in a middle of a dark field. As I got closer to him I noticed him getting undressed, before I realised what he was doing he was just in his grey boxers and was running towards the lake before disappearing under the water.

"Why are you just watching? Come and join!" He called.

I bite my lip and looked around before pulling off my clothes. I pulled my hair in a high ponytail before rushing in to join him.

"Oh.My.God!" I groaned.

His hands grabbed my waist and swirled us around the water.

"I'm so fucking lucky" he whispered.

I caressed his cheek softly before crashing my lips on his. "I love you"

"I love hearing you say that" he whispered

The kiss got more heated with him groaning against my lips.

I gently pushed him away from me, before playfully splashing him in the face, I laughed as I grabbing his muscled shoulders and pushed him under. While he was emerged under the glistening lake I felt his arms wrapped around my waist making him lift me up, before throwing me meters away from him. I stayed under the water swimming towards him and grabbed his ankles which made him gasp as he tried to get away from me.

I stood up with him instantly pulling me into his embrace and kissing my neck, as I wiped my face as I giggled to myself.

"I know it's been a hard month for you, but I am always going to be here for you"

I pulled away from him to stay at him, his eyes looked even more magically under the moon lit sky. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood their for a few minutes just holding each other.


I'm thinking of having Yasmine do a Twitter Q&A would you like to see that?

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