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A/N: Thank you to ErinEvelynJ for helping me with the argument and planning this chapter out ❤️

One Week Later

As Simon is still being protective over Yasmine she was still staying in bed trying to make a full recovery, even though she was feeling 70% better.

The house was quiet with just a few little barks coming from the dogs that was play fighting around the house. She was suddenly rudely awoken by the front door slamming and two blaring voices appearing. She sat up and realised the voices belonged to JJ, Deji and on a few occasions Vidal.

She let out a small grumble knowing that this argument will probably be going on awhile knowing how stubborn the Olatunji brothers are. She was in two minds in going down to save Vidal who probably doesn't want anything to do with it BUT then she thought she should just sit there to stay out of it herself.

Ten minutes past and the door slammed shut with footsteps running up the stairs. Yasmine climbed out of bed where she was replying to emails and trying to sort out the seating plan which was giving both her and Simon trouble.

She opened the door slowly trying to locate where everyone was in the large house. She noticed the spare room where Deji was staying in was open with movement. She walked out of Simon's room and made a beeline towards the double door, she peered inside to see the younger brother throwing his clothes in his suitcase.

"Dej?" She spoke in a whispered toned. "Why are you packing? Where you going?" She questioned stepping into the bedroom.

He ignored her not even acknowledging her presence. He mumbled that he was being kicked out of the house, which was a group decision. Yasmine felt her heart instantly break, when JJ told everyone he wanted Deji to live under the same room as him- everyone made sure to make him feel welcome but that slowly went out of the window. Whenever she trained with them, she always trailed behind with him as he couldn't keep up with Vidal or JJ; which they seemed to not even try and motivate him.

She told Deji to give her a second before leaving, before she turned swiftly on her heels and ran downstairs to the kitchen. She opened the door to find JJ sat with Vidal, not even looking at all bothered by the argument.

"Does someone want to tell me why Deji is upstairs upset packing saying you have just kicked him out and abandoned him, just two months prior to his boxing debut match?" The blonde questioned, mainly staring at JJ.

"Nice to see you Yasmine" he mumbled.

"I'm being serious JJ!" She barked. "What are you trying to prove?" She questioned.

"I'm not trying to prove anything! He's not taking this seriously" her frowned.

Her brows furrowed. "That's even more reason for you to put your arm around him and guide him through this" she spoke in a duh tone, as if it was the most obvious thing to do.

"That's all I have been doing! I've literally given him everything. A house with a gym and a chef, a trainer and he doesn't do shit just sits on his arse all day eating junk food" he spoke loudly.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Oh come on, you all of all people should remember what's it like to not do any sport to suddenly spending hours in the gym- are all treating him like he's got a fight under his belt. He probably feels so far out of his depth"

He hummed and nodded. "I respect that Yas, I really do. But you're not around to see all of the shit he's been doing, so you can't really take his side when you don't really know the situation"

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