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DOUBLE UPDATE! You are welcome bitches 😉

The match finished with the ref calling it off due to Weller's condition, as soon as it was announced that JJ was the winner everyone and their dog jumped into the ring and congratulated their friend. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Weller as his team pulled him away from it and tried to console him. JJ then praised him and they touched gloves but he still looked heartbroken. Then as cocky as JJ can be he decided to call out either or of the Paul brothers. Everyone knew why he had a problem with the boys, especially Logan due to a certain Japanese forrest.

And I mean can you imagine how many viewers it would get for the two big dogs like Logan and JJ would get!

As everyone started leaving we went to his dressing room to congratulate him, as soon as we walked in Viddal was shouting in celebration while another member of his team was taking off his gloves. Simon, Josh and Harry instantly ran over and engulfed their friend, I skipped over to the young boxer and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a long hug.

"Congratulations guys!" I cooed as I hugged JJ making him spin us both around, I wasn't even bothered that he was hot and sweaty at this point.

"You know I could hear you guys more than Viddal" he stated looking at Tobi and Josh making everyone laugh.

"Bro you scared me, I honestly thought you'd get taken out because you didn't get your hands up" Josh spoke.

JJ let out a loud chuckle. "He didn't do fuck all"

Viddal reappeared with champagne which he opened and sprayed all over JJ, I instantly winced and tried to run away but his strong arms wrapped around my waist along with Sarah, which he basically using us as a shield.

We all then took an Uber back to our hotel room with everyone meeting in mine and Simon's suites and ordered a huge amount of food, which most was for Viddal and JJ as they were no longer needing to watch what they eat.

By the time we finished it was 11pm which made every start getting ready for a nigh out filled with celebrations. Which both Freya, Lux and I all prepared a month back.


"Why didn't you tell me about Elliot?" Simon appeared just as I shot back another vodka shot with JJ.

I looked at Simon and then over at Freezy who was apologising over his shoulder, clearly he was the one who snitched as I didn't want him to know.

"Freezy don't you know that snitches end up in ditches" JJ slurred.

I looked at Simon who raised his brows at me, wanting me to speak.

"I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, I don't care what he thinks of me and neither should you"

"Ofcourse I care Yas, you're my girlfriend and he shouldn't be calling you that" he rambled.

He instantly froze with his cheeks turning red once he registered what he just announced.

"Girlfriend?" I questioned.

He started rambling about how he didn't mean to rush the relationship between us and a lot of apologising. Both JJ and I shared a look and tried to not break down into laughter.

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