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Simon's Pov

A sudden scream came from the front of the house which made me opened the balcony door and look over to see what it was. To my surprise it was both JJ and Yasmine striping to their underwear before running in the snow and jumping on a massive pile of snow. Harry and Gee were a few yards away from them and recording the whole thing. I couldn't help but laugh as the blonde jumped and helped Jide to his feet before pushing him on his chest making him fall back again making him groan. She sprinted away with JJ hot on her heels making her laugh as she dashed back into the house.

I couldn't help but smile as no matter how she is feeling personally she always ends up doing random crazy shit with JJ. When they are ever together especially with Harry as well they are like devil children, you cannot take your eyes off them because they will probably break something or be pranking you. I remember when we first started dating I used to get jealous when she used to hang out in the kitchen talking to him.

I pulled my phone out my pocket and opened my recently drafted Instagram post, my eyes glanced over the multiple lined paragraphs with my thumb hovering over the post bottom. I took a deep breath and pressed 'post' as soon as I did a small state of relief fell over my body, suddenly the door flew open with JJ walking in.

"I'm going to kill her" he mumbled. "First she got me involved in the odds on, then pushes me back in the snow and then takes my bloody shower" he grumbled.

He noticed I wasn't really taken much notice as he sat on the bed beside me and looked over my shoulder at my phone. He snatched my phone and looked at the post, I watched as he sat with his lips pressed together as his eyes looked through the post.

"Do you think she has seen it yet?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

He nodded his head slowly. "Hmm probably"

I suddenly felt butterflies fill my stomach just like they did when we first got together.


Yasmine's Pov

I got out of the hot shower which was very much needed after Cal and Harry dared both JJ and I to jump into the snow in nothing but our underwear. I slipped in my onesie and started to put my hair in two French braids. I grabbed my things and made my way out of JJ's room, I didn't even step out when both Mere and Freya appeared infront of me and pushed me back into the ensuite and locking the three of us inside.

"Well..." Freya spoke looking like she was about to burst with excitement.

I looked over at Mere who mirroring the same joy.

"Have I missed something that needs me to be locked in here?"

They both instantly deflated and looked at eachother.

"You haven't seen it?" Mere frowned.

"Well as I don't know what the hell you are on about, I'm going to say no"

They both rolled their eyes at me as Freya grabbed my phone and handed it to me. I looked at Mere before I looked down at my phone and noticed I had SO many notifications from my socials.

Being confused didn't even describe how I was feeling. I unlocked my phone and found it was all down to Simon's post, I clicked on his profile and waited for it to load up his latest photo. I took a deep breath before I started to read.

@Miniminter: I don't usually like airing out my laundry on the internet, I like to keep my personal life very closed off, with a lot of filtering with what you guys get to see

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@Miniminter: I don't usually like airing out my laundry on the internet, I like to keep my personal life very closed off, with a lot of filtering with what you guys get to see. But seeing some 'fans' of mine sending hate to people are in my life isn't cool and I won't stand for it. This time last year I was at my happiest of my life, I was engaged to the girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. But when you get 'comfortable' you take shit for granted, and I hold my hands up and admit that I 100% did that. I guess I thought no matter how much fucked up shit I did I would always be able to get her back, never really caring about her feelings when she found out. But I noticed how much it broke my heart when I saw her moving on without me and being happy. What I am trying to say is, everyone sending hate to her and other parties isn't right, I was the bad guy and I was the reason why the relationship broke down. For people saying she is still hanging around to get the clout is delusional!

By the end I couldn't help but notice the small little lump in the back of my throat.

"Oh my god" I whispered.

I suddenly felt a hand hit my arm which made me hiss.

"What the hell?"

"That's for not telling me you and Simon were engaged!" Mere stated crossing her arms.

"Why didn't you say anything? When Josh proposing you'll never hear me not talking about" She explained.

I shrugged mainly looking at my cousin. "It was nice to just live in our little bubble" I admitted.

"What was the ring live?" Freya asked.

"He didn't get one, it was sort of unplanned and he proposed in a cafe and he did it with a haribo ring"

They both looked at eachother with shocked looks. "Ew didn't it get all sticky and hairy?" Mere questioned.

"I ate it literally that day"


I kept myself to myself for most of the evening as I could hear everyone gossip about Simon's post and I didn't really want to speak about it. I locked myself in my room and sat on FaceTime on a three way call with Sav and G, who was also with Hannah. There was a sudden knock on the door which made my attention shift, I said a quick goodbye to them and opened the door peeping my head through and realised it was Simon. I stayed quiet and opened the door further so he could walk in.

"About the post.." he started.

I shook my head. "Honestly I appreciate it, I mean having to see hate when I've got million to one things going on in my head. When you hear things often you start to believe it" I whispered.

"Nothing what they said about you Yas was or is true" he admitted. "Everything I said was true, I wish I never hurt you the way I did and it honestly breaks my heart to see you happier than you were with him than me"

I started playing with my rings trying to avoid his eye contact. "Simon don't" I shook my head.

"Do you think there is any chance that we could get back to where we once were?"

I bite my lip. "I still love you, of course I do. I wouldn't of agreed on marrying you if I didn't. But you really hurt me Simon"

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you feel the same for me than you do for Joe and I will let you be"

I looked at him but I couldn't manage to say it, a small smile appeared on his face.

"That's all I needed to know" he whispered. He pecked my cheek softly. "I still believe you are my forever" he admitted.

He instantly left closing the door behind him, leaving me in my bedroom which suddenly made me feel lonely.

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