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Hannah's Pov

I seemed to find myself in a middle of a Dom and George argument, once again which was of course about Yasmine. As the two seem to always fight since Dom stole her from George.

"What a coincidence Dom! You want to be her agent when everything is fine and dandy but as soon as it turns to shit you are freaking out!" George snapped.

Dom was quite calm things considering, he was sat on the sofa drinking a mocha coffee. "Oh George! Have you forgot that she came to ME! When you decided to not pay your best client any attention, she came to ME!"

"And I still don't get why she chose that" George mumbled. "She's just a kid goddamnit, you need to look after her not joining in with the bullshit everyone is firing at her!" He declared. "Stop thinking about yourself!" He snapped.

They both stayed silent for a few seconds, which honestly made me feel on edge on what would happen next.

"Where is she?" George questioned mainly looking at me.

"I don't know, she ran off" Dom answered.

He let out a dry laugh. "And let me guess you've been taking business calls and all that bullshit!"

"I've been trying to get all her sponsorships back on board!"

"Footballers fight Dom, they are showing their passion. Sergio Ramos fights and he still gets sponsorships, he's still a respected player" he counter attacked.

"Everyone knows that Ramos is a lose cannon" he admitted. "This has unnatural for Yasmine"

"What do you expect! Her mum has been caught up in an terror attack, not knowing if she'll pull through this!" He snapped. He stopped a took a deep breath. "They will understand, but she won't understand why her agent isn't on her side and wrapping his arm around her telling her everything is going to be alright" he whispered. 

He stood up and grabbed all his things, before walking out quite calmly.

As soon as the door closed Dom let out a small grumble as he ran his hands over his face.

"Where the fuck is she" he moaned.

"Knowing Yas she just needs some time to herself to think things over" I admitted.


Yasmine's Pov

"Here have this" Simon offered putting down some hot chocolate infront of me on the table.

I gave a small smile as my hand wrapped around the cup to get the warmth. He sat down opposite me and pushed a bowlful of strawberries and cream.

I could feel his eyes on me as I stared into space, my mind was going million to one mph. I looked up and looked into his blue eyes, he sipped his tea not losing the eye contact.

"So how are you and Talia?" I asked shifting in my seat.

"Don't you think it's a bit too early?" He questioned.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Early for what?"

"To start getting bitter and defensive?"

I shrugged. "All I'm saying is you have a theme going on"


"What's your problem with sleeping with other girls when you have a girlfriend?"

His face softened. "I know what you are trying to do and it's not going to work, stop trying to push people who care about you away"

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