Chapter Hang on, I'm losing track, it's 32 - Goldy

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    I blinked. "Where... where are we?" I asked no one in particular. "What happened? We were just at the daycare... and..." Suddenly, I realized Ryan was standing in front of me, holding on to my arm. "Uh, what are you doing?" I asked him. "Nothing," The boy said hastily, releasing my arm. "So... where are we, how did we get here, etc, etc, etc?" I asked Ryan. (For those of you who don't know, etc stands for etcetera, which means "and so on".) Ryan grinned. "We're in murder mystery, through the portal, long story."

      Tina ran into view. "Hey guys!" She exclaimed. I was still processing this, so I didn't respond. "Hey, what's up?" Ryan asked her. "Oh, you know, running from the murderer, collecting gold to stay alive. That sort of thing," Tina replied nonchalantly. "So, who do you think is the murderer?" The girl asked us all. "I don't know," Ryan replied. I saw a hint of a smile on his face, though. I noticed a bow in my inventory. I supposed that I was the detective. I came to the conclusion that if I tried to shoot Ryan here, I would get killed. So I would have to play it cool. Or run away and shoot him from a distance. Considering that Ryan could get us at any time now, running was the smart option. "I think I know who it is," I told Tina. "Ryan," I mouthed. Then I beckoned to her, and we ran down the hallway. Ryan sighed and took out a blaze rod. Then he set off after us.

       As soon as we rounded the corner, I showed Tina my bow. The girl grinned at me. "I know you two are technically dating, but you're still gonna use it on him, right?" She asked me. I shot her a look. "Of course, and I'm not sure that we're dating, but okay," I scolded her. I carefully drew the bow. Ryan ran around the corner. I had to do it at the perfect time. He ran into range. I shifted my arrow slightly to the left. I jumped out of my hiding place and let go of the string. The arrow flew straight at him. "Aah!" Ryan yelled. Then the arrow hit him, and the game ended. We ended up in another lobby. "Okay, everyone into that bookshelf in 3... 2... 1..." I started. "GOOOO!"

      We ran out into the portal room, and dashed into the daycare. For some reason, Sabre was now invisible. Tina was now flying. Ryan was now very fast. And Cookie was making a cookie fly in the air. "Have you been doing that the whole time?" Tina asked Cookie. Cookie shot her an evil smile. "What do you think?" The girl asked. I paused. "How long have we been gone from here?" I asked Derp. "aBouTz 17 MinUteZ," The boy told me. I must have looked confused, because Ryan walked over and put an arm around me. "Don't worry about it," The boy told me reassuringly. "I'm here, and I'll be with you forever,"

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