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I know this is kinda weird, but I am making a thank you chapter. You guys are all super cool, so I decided I might as well let you guys know that I really appreciate you guys. As long as you don't destroy my plot lines (Ahem, @GamesGrazioso. :3 ). But here are some people I know support me. (They are in the comments all the time, if your name isn't here, sorry, you either don't comment much or I missed you because I am blind. The latter is most likely, though.)


Thank you guys so much, and if I missed you, you can message me and I will add you. You guys are the best, and I try really hard to update. I don't want to leave you guys hanging like a bunch of books do! See ya! -S

(Also, if you want to know my name, let me know. Maybe I will tell you. If you guess, I will tell you if you are right or wrong.)

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