The Internship

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Still feeling dazed after her conversation with the two Bellas - she couldn't understand why she couldn't get those eyes off of her head - Beca reached the booth for Campus Interns. If no club suited her, an internship would definitely do. She ran her fingers through all the application papers and, finally, a sigh of relief left her mouth: in her hand she was holding the application for the Campus Radio Station, something interesting had eventually come up.

After signing the application, Beca suddenly realized how exhausted she was: the journey, the move, her dad, Kimmy Jin, Fat Amy, the Bellas... It was only that morning that she had said goodbye to her mother, and yet it seemed like few days had passed, which reminded her that she had to call her. Dammit. Why did she always have to forget important things?

All at once, Beca was in a rush, determined to head back to her dorm as quickly as possible in order to call her mother and finally spend some quality alone-time mixing music. Some people might say Beca was a rather antisocial misanthropic but she actually loved being her only company sometimes; people were usually threatened by her attitude, so they just kept their distance from her: because of this, the little brunette had never had real friends and, truth be told, that's why she didn't even know what she was missing out on. As for boyfriends, well... it was a bit of a sore subject as well: the DJ had only had one, during high school, but their relationship had been so stressful for her - he always treated her like shit and even cheated on her - that she eventually broke up with him. When Beca managed to get out of that sick relationship, she was broken: she ended up being more withdrawn than ever, struggling to trust anyone who could care about her. In order to remind herself of how life could be tough sometimes - apart from the break up, her parents' divorce hadn't been a piece of cake either - Beca had made the decision of having her right shoulder tattooed: three pink lotus blossoms clambered from the upper part of her back up to her neck, symbolizing patience and the constant search for inner peace; later, she had decided to add a cute praying mantis on her forearm - a symbol for stillness and detachment - and, of course, a pair of headphones on her wrist. I don't need to tell you why.

She was now nearly running through the corridors of her dorm, only her mix and the phone call in her head. She opened the door and, realizing that Kimmy Jin hadn't come back yet, she threw herself on her bed, snuggling onto her cushions and bedsheets and pulled her phone out of her pocket, immediately dialing her mom's number. After a few instants, Martha Mitchell (her maiden name was actually Green, but she hadn't changed it back yet) picked up.

"Hello, honey!", her ringing voice reaching Beca's ear, "How was your first day? I was getting worried not receiving your call".

"I'm sorry, mom, you know I always forget things. Must be the stress", the brunette smirked, "Anyway, today has been...fine. Yeah, I could say that. I talked to dad and...", Beca interrupted herself, taking time for a dramatic pause, "Actually, no, he talked to me and kindly reminded me how much of a failure I am to him", she added sarcastically.

Her mother was staying silent, perfectly aware of how brusque her ex-husband could be, "Bec, don't..."

"No, mom, it's okay, I mean it", Beca said lightheartedly, "I knew all along how warm my welcome would be". Martha sighed, feeling extremely sorry for her daughter. Beca's intention wasn't to upset her, so she rapidly changed the subject: "Back to the important things now. I applied for an internship at the Campus Radio. I'm beginning tomorrow sooo...keep your fingers crossed for me!", she said, her voice forcibly ringing.

"Becs, that's amazing! But how come you chose an internship? Wasn't there any clubs you were interested in?"

Beca's thoughts involuntarily turned back to the redhead but she immediately shrugged it off, "No, not really", her voice suddenly flat. Her mother didn't seem to notice.

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