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"You know", Chloe spoke softly to Beca, who was fastening her seatbelt tighter even thought the sign had already gone off, "The last time we were sitting together on a plane I remember wishing you'd never stop holding my hand"

Once she also checked where the sickness bag was - with a 9-hour-long flight, you never know - the brunette turned to face the redhead, "Like this?", she asked as she took Chloe's hand into hers, smirking at the joyful blink in her eyes as she did so.

Francis had taken them to the airport four hours before the plane took off, the man being convinced that 'It's better to be early and safe than late and sorry', at which Beca had noisily rolled her eyes. The brunette had her whole flight planned out: she had brought her ever-present Beats, some books she had to read for summer and even a bunch of movies to help her sleep so that she could concentrate on basically anything other than being suspended at a height of nearly 7 miles above the fucking Atlantic Ocean.

"Are you feeling okay?", Chloe probed a little distractingly after a while, as she flipped through the pages of a guidebook.

"Could be worse"

Beca couldn't help but be fascinated by the apparently-endless stretch of blue water beneath her and, as much as she tried to divert her attention from the fact that a plane crash over there would potentially lead to a 'Cast Away' sequel, she constantly found herself staring at the hundreds of different shades that the ocean was showing off.

Her hand was still into Chloe's but, for some strange reasons, she wasn't as scared as she thought she would. Sure, she was eager to land as soon as possible, but she wasn't minding the height, especially since the latest Mumford & Sons album was playing into her right ear, her left one being left free in order to listen to her girlfriend's cute, now-almost-incessant rambling about how beautiful the city they were about to visit was.

"What are you thinking about?", the redhead questioned as she noticed how lost in her thoughts Beca seemed. The brunette turned and stared at her, meeting her two bright, blue eyes that were now sinuously blinking at her.

"I think I've just realized why I'm loving the ocean so much", Beca answered distractedly. She immediately shook her head at herself and frowned, "I swear, in my head it didn't sound so cheesy"

To say that Chloe's smile was wide would be a huge understatement. As much as she hated them, Chloe was used to compliments, but when it was Beca to pay them, she couldn't help but be over the moon. The brunette always managed in fact to surprise both of them when she came up with something sweet out of the blue, and Chloe lived for it.

"Someone's really sweet today, uh?", Chloe grinned, leaning forward to kiss one of Beca's cheeks, which were now of a darker shade of red.

The brunette cleared her throat, "I guess it's all about the Romeo-and-Juliet vibes I'm getting", she joked. The redhead playfully slapped her arm and laughed, "So you were listening!"

"Just because I don't always reply, it doesn't mean I'm not listening to your blabbering", Beca smirked, "Plus, anyone with a basic knowledge of English literature knows about Shakespeare and Verona"

"Anyone with a basic knowledge of English literature knows about Shakespeare and Verona", Chloe parroted her while pulling a funny face that made Beca laugh, "Shut up, nerd"

"No, you shut up", the brunette snapped back, still laughing, "Or I'll beg the hostess to move you next to him", she said while pointing her finger to a stocky, snoring man on the other side of the corridor.

Chloe glared at her, "At least he doesn't snore as loud as you do"

"Pff", Beca rolled her eyes, "I don't snore, you know you're lying"

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]Where stories live. Discover now