Fresh Start

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"I know it may be a stupid question and I'm 100% positive I already know the answer, but are you sure you don't want to stay at home? After all, we live only a few miles from campus", Francis asked as he pulled over.

Beca firstly looked at him and then at her girlfriend, sitting beside her on the vehicle, "Um, yes, I'm sure... But thanks, dad". Francis chuckled and shook his head to himself, "I needed to ask anyway -- Do you girls need any help with your suitcases?"

"I can handle it, thank you, Francis", Chloe smiled at him and got off the car, immediately followed by the brunette, who nodded in agreement. The man hopped off and opened the trunk for them to take their luggage.

Once both Beca and Chloe had all their bags, Francis pulled them into a warm hug, which made Chloe chuckle and Beca roll her eyes, "Dad, we'll literally see each other every day"

"Who cares", the man tightened his grip, not wanting to let his daughter go. "I should have taken a cab like last year", she joked, remembering where she was twelve months before, "Dad, seriously, people are starting to stare and Chloe and I need to be at the dean's office in ten minutes"

"Okay, okay, fine", Francis finally broke the embrace and closed the trunk, "Have a good day, you both", he winked at the girls and then jumped into the car, started the engine and drove away.

"Let's go before he comes back for another hug", Beca chuckled as she walked to the campus gate. The brunette observed the hordes of students around her, which, just like one year before, were busy saying their parents goodbye or were simply carrying suitcases or furniture. She also spotted the same blonde girl that had instructed her on where to find her room and that had given her the rape whistle. Very useful indeed.

"It's my fifth year here and the chaos is definitely not getting any better", Chloe tried to hold back a laugh when she noticed a guy hitting a tree, distracted by the campus map under his nose.

"You're like a super senior now", Beca considered, making the redhead chuckle, "And I'm a sophomore -- Doesn't that make you feel old?"

"Very, so don't mention it again", Chloe tried to threaten her.

"Okay, old lady"

"Yeah, make fun of me", the ginger playfully glared at her, "But do I need to remind you that you're not that younger than me? In about three weeks it's your birthday, smartypants", she chirped as she opened the door of the building for her girlfriend.

"Yuck, don't tell me", the brunette pretended to be feeling sick, "I hate my birthday"

"What? Why?", Chloe asked in disbelief. How could one hate their own birthday? Presents, family, being the center of attention... Birthdays are great, come on.

"Bah, I just hate being the center of attention of my not-really-amazing, bigot family, pretending to like presents I don't"

"Oh... Okay, I get it", the redhead bit the inside of her cheek. She would need to revise her plans for Beca's birthday then, which she had obviously started organizing one month before.

"Okay, let's make it quick", the brunette murmured before knocking at the dean's door. Once a deep voice invited them in, Beca opened the door and found herself in front of a elegant black man, sitting behind his huge, wood desk.

"Good morning, sir", Chloe started, "We are-"

"The Bellas, I know", the dean interrupted her. Chloe and Beca looked at each other, brows raised, sensing a certain tension. "You came here for this, I guess", Mr. Anderson was holding a key with the familiar white B on a light-blue background at its far end.

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