Finally - 2

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Chloe was stroking Beca's hair and the brunette slowly closed her eyes, gently cradled by that soft touch. The redhead had her gaze focused on her best friend, still disbelieving of how much their relationship had changed in the space of few hours: that same morning, when she had woken up, never had she ever thought that her day could be blessed with such an unexpected ending.

Beca's smile was taking up her whole face. She was feeling so relaxed between Chloe's arms that she found herself emitting a quite loud sigh, which caught the ginger's attention.

"Hey", Chloe kissed Beca on her forehead, "Do you want to sleep?"

"Mh-mh", the brunette grunted.

"Is that a yes?", Chloe giggled, "Because if it is, well... You know it's only 10 pm, right? I didn't take you for a granny"

Beca opened one eye and glared at her, "Don't mess with the sleepy beast - You know how cruel I can get when I'm tired", she joked.

"Oh, really?", the redhead probed, her tone getting more and more provocative, "And what kind of things does this sleepy beast do to be considered so cruel?". The redhead moved closer to Beca and trailed her fingers from her head to her waist, gently squeezing it.

"For example", Beca answered immediately, trying to remain as serious as possible, "I start hating kissing -- this among other things, of course"

"Oh", Chloe tilted her head, faking sadness, "So... you don't want to kiss me? Is that what you're saying?"

The brunette's eyes lit up but tried not to show it, "Exactly", she said unconvincingly.

The redhead smirked knowingly and slowly placed her lips a few inches from Beca's neck, "Are you sure?", she whispered to her skin while her hand played with her tank top.

The brunette started feeling a little too warm to be normal. "I sure am", she said after gulping.

"Okay, maybe next time then", Chloe sighed, perfectly aware of the game Beca was trying to play, and unexpectedly moved away from the brunette, who was still feeling kind of dizzy. It had been only one hour since they confessed their feelings for each other and Beca was conscious that Chloe would be having that kind of effect on her for quite a long time. The redhead's lips were indeed a sort of forbidden fruit to her: an apple she had been craving for months before finally taking a bite. And only God knew how good it tasted.

"So, will you make me listen to your new mix or do I have to beg?", Chloe beamed while standing up, acting like nothing had just happened.

Beca perked up a little and smiled, "Of course", she said, "But first-", she grabbed Chloe's wrist and dragged her back on the bed beside her. Caught off-guard, the ginger squealed before landing between Beca's arms. When her eyes met Beca's, Chloe smiled, "I thought you were tired...?"

"Yeah, but not of you"

With one hand along her jawline, the brunette ran her fingers through Chloe's hair to pull her closer and, after an instant, her lips met her smile. The redhead placed her hand on hers and, with her free hand, she grabbed her by her waist. Before breaking the kiss, Chloe bit Beca's lower lip and then leaned her forehead against hers, grinning and cupping her face.

"It's been a while since we last kissed, uh?", Chloe joked.

"The longest 15 minutes of my life", Beca replied before kissing her again quickly. She then stood up, headed to Chloe's desk, where her laptop was.

"You really are becoming more cheesy, did you know that?", Chloe smirked while going back to sitting, her back against the headboard.

Her computer in her hands, Beca sat beside her, "It's your fault, Beale", she said while gently putting her headphones on Chloe, "I think you'll like this one, by the way", the brunette winked. She pressed play and the notes of Taylor Swift's Mine started resounding into Chloe's ears. As soon as the ginger recognized the voice of her favorite singer, her face brightened up and she looked at Beca, who nodded, pleased. After a while, Usher's voice kicked in with his OMG, making the redhead bob to the music.

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