Christmas - 2

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The house was magnificently decorated: the Christmas tree in the living room had plenty of ornaments - balls, led-lights and a bright star on the top - mistletoe was right on the threshold and many wreaths were hanging along the stair banister. It was snowing outside and Beca was feeling like the protagonist of those awful, yet beautiful Christmas movies - the only ones she brought herself to watch because they would always cheer her up: she was looking outside the window with bright eyes when someone patted on her shoulder. "I thought you might like some hot chocolate", Chloe handed her a mug with a cow painted on it, "My mom's preparing everything -- All my relatives will be here any moment", she smiled while Beca thankfully grabbed the cup and sipped the viscous substance. She moaned at how good that was. 

They were both wearing the silly Christmas jumpers they had bought the previous day at the mall: Chloe's one read "Christmas is coming" and had a dire wolf with reindeer nose printed on it, Beca's one instead had Jesus with his thumbs up and read "Birthday boy". As soon as they had seen them, the had burst out laughing so loudly that many people had stared.

"It's cold in here -- Better light the fireplace!", Frank said once he entered the room, while rubbing his hands. When the fire was lit, Beca inhaled deeply to breathe the smell of the wood burning: it was her second favorite scent, after vanilla. "How many people are we waiting for?", the brunette whispered to Chloe, who seemed to consider, "Um", she was listing in her head, "Six...?Oh, no, seven. Seven, yeah", she tilted her head, smiling. She was more beautiful than usual, with her red, loose hair perfectly falling on her shoulders and her perfect smile - Beca had never noticed how white her teeth were. "Don't worry, I'll remind you their names if you forget them", she said at her winking, seeing that Beca was remaining silent. 

The doorbell rang. 

"Chloe, can you...?", Frank asked her daughter. "Of course", the redhead ran to the door, leaving Beca at the window. "Oh my God, he's so cute!", Beca heard Chloe saying with the sweetest of the voices. Curious - but also willing to introduce herself - she moved closer to see what was happening: the ginger was holding in her arms a beautiful some-day-old baby, whose pacifier was covering most of his little face. Chloe was cradling him and kept reminding him of his cuteness. Beca giggled at that scene: Chloe was a natural. "Oh", the redhead spotted the brunette and smiled, "Beca, this is John", she said while playing with the baby's tiny hand, "And this is his mother, Madison". 

"Call me Maddy, I hate my full name", a tall blonde girl laughed. She wasn't very attractive but she had a certain charm. "Tell me about it -- People always call me Becky", the brunette laughed, "I started hating my name, too". "I actually like it", Chloe intervened, still focused on the baby. Beca smiled at her. "My husband and his parents are parking their cars, they should be here so-", Madison said while glancing at her watch. "Here we are, the whole family is almost reunited!", a ginger man covered in snow yelled entering the house. "He's David, my cousin", Chloe informed Beca while placing the baby in his crib. The brunette nodded. 

After introducing Beca to everyone - Janet and Michael were Chloe's uncle and aunt on her mom's side - Chloe asked, "Where are grandpa and grandma?". As answering her question, the doorbell rang again. Alice went to open the door, "Mom, dad, please come in", she kissed them both on their cheeks. A beautiful older woman and a classy gentleman entered the living room to greet everybody: seeing them, Chloe threw her arms around his grandpa's neck and kissed her grandma. Beca smirked. "Bec, these are the most amazing grandparents in the world", Chloe said with a wide smile painted on her face, "Emma, who brought that delicious roasted chicken over", she pointed at the wrapped-in-aliminium-foil packet on the table, "And Marco -- They're both of Italian origins", Chloe winked, proud. "Really?", Beca exclaimed, "My mom is now in Italy for work". 

Emma seemed interested, "Oh, where precisely, sweetie?". The brunette smiled, "In Verona, I think". "I can't believe it!", Marco was impressed, "That's exactly where we come from", he looked at his wife with sad eyes, maybe remembering their country, "Does she like it there?". "Absolutely, yes", Beca answered, "She has sent me many photos, the city is amazing". Emma grabbed Beca's hand, "It's a pleasure meeting you,...?". 

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