Figuring Out

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"So", Jesse tried to break the silence between him and Beca, "How are things going with the Bellas?". Beca had remained silent from when she had arrived and the atmosphere was definitely getting awkward and tense: stacking CDs without talking could really be boring, especially if you're stuck in a claustrophobic room.

Beca seemed to wake up from a dream and looked at Jesse with puzzlement in her eyes, one brow raised. Jesse calmly repeated the question. "Oh, sorry", Beca answered while she kept placing LPs on the shelves, "Things are going...good, I guess"- a bit of uncertainty in her tone -"Aubrey can really be a pain in the ass sometimes, but the other girls seem easy-going, so...".

Jesse nodded, "Bumper keeps talking about how we have to get you down, that we have to be merciless" - he quoted - "I guess it's something leaders of a cappella groups have to do...To keep the spirit of competition up, you know".

The brunette looked at him and shrugged. Then, she added, "Well, actually Aubrey isn't the only leader of our group... Chloe is as well", a smile appearing on her face. She had been thinking about her non-stop, it was comforting to finally be able to say her name out loud.

"Oh, yeah, the one with red hair", Jesse confirmed, "She is cute". Beca stopped stacking for a second, involuntarily glaring at the guy like a mother wolf would do to protect her cubs from other predators. Jesse noticed, "Hey, don't look me that way, you're cute, too. I didn't mean to make you feel jealous", he winked. Beca rolled her eyes in annoyance, shrugged and kept doing her job. Jesse didn't give up, "Are you friends with her? I saw you guys getting coffee and laughing at the café before", he smiled.

"Are you stalking us?", Beca asked surprised, causing Jesse to laugh, "Anyhow, yeah, I guess you could say so... We get along pretty well"- an unconscious smile was now on the brunette's mouth. Silence fell again. Jesse seemed to be gathering his strength and weighing words and, after a while, he asked Beca, "Would you like to go out with me?"- the brunette stared at him, shocked, her hand in mid air with a CD in it. Well that escalated quickly.

"What?", she asked, fearing she had understood him correctly. Did he really want to go out with her? They had practically nothing in common except for being part of a cappella groups - which were rivals, by the way.

Jesse was very embarrassed, "If you would like to go out with me... on a sort of date, things like that", he rubbed his head in agitation, "I know that this may come out of the blue, but I like you".

Beca was totally taken off guard, "Mh, listen, I don't really mean to be rude but-"

"I knew it, I shouldn't have even asked", he lifted his hands as if he wanted to apologize.

"At least let me finish to talk", Beca said, a little brusque. She hated when people didn't even give her time to explain - "It's just that I'm not really looking for anything right now, I've got so much going on that I can barely find time for myself... Besides, we barely know each other. As far as I know, you could be a serial-killer or something like that. So that would be a no from me, but...thanks?" - 'Plus, Aubrey would kill me if I did and, last but not least, I may have a crush on someone whose gender is the same as mine', she added in her head. She would never bring herself to admit that.

Jesse nodded, his expression revealing disappointment. The brunette wondered whether she had been too much impulsive but then she shrugged and kept going on with her job. None of them spoke another word til their shift was over.


When Beca finally got back to her dorm, it was already dark outside. She jumped on her bed, not even taking her shoes off, and grabbed her phone to check the time: it was only 9 pm and she was already tired. She snorted as if it could help her getting rid of all the stress and tiredness. Still with her phone in her hands, Beca noticed one unread message and two missed calls. Ugh. Why did people look for her? She hated using phones.

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