Proud of You

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"Come on, ladies! You're not even sweating!"

Chloe was standing in the middle of the room, her hair tied up into a messy bun, her hands authoritatively placed on her hips.

"Amy! Keep your head straight when you run! Flo, don't hunch your shoulders!"

A series of tired and frustrated groans came from the girls, whose red faces and sweaty foreheads were almost literally begging for mercy. "Chloe, please", Fat Amy stopped running and her hands immediately looked for support onto her knees, "I think I'm about to have a seizure", she panted.

Chloe clapped her hands twice, ignoring Amy's comment, "Come on! Regionals won't win by themselves! Hop!"

"Is she always like that?", Flo asked Beca under her breath. The brunette winced and nodded slightly, not having the gut to speak and let out the little oxygen she had left in her body.

The Bellas quickly climbed the stairs of the auditorium for the twelfth time, the tapping of their sneakers echoing across the whole room, along with Fat Amy's ongoing panting and some casual snorts that caught Chloe's attention.

"The breath you're using to complain may come in handy for the next two laps", the redhead considered loudly, a cheeky smile etched on her face.

"I didn't know a cappella would be like this", Claire croaked, struggling to keep up with the pace of the jogging.

"Shut up and keep running", Beca hissed as she ran by her side, not even turning to look at her. Claire glared at her in response but the brunette didn't notice. Instead, she sprinted in front of her, distancing her of a few meters and completing her penultimate lap.

"Yay, Becs, great sprint!", Chloe gloated with a proud smirk. The brunette quickly winked at her as her arms moved back and forth, following the pace of her legs. Beca could feel the tiredness getting the best of her body, her feet now numb, her head throbbing. Sure as hell, waking up the next day with sore muscles wouldn't be a piece of cake, but at least Chloe was happy.

"Okay, fine, I'm calling it!", the redhead grinned from where she was, "Well done everyone, good job -- Amy, you can have my muffin if you want it, I'm not that hungry", she added as she pointed to the little paper bag on the table behind her.

Amy's head was quickly perked up as her breathing suddenly steadied, "I'm hating and loving you at the same time, Red", she squinted her eyes at her, earning a chuckle from the girl. Chloe patted on her shoulder as soon as she was within reach, "I'm sorry", she mumbled with a laugh.

One after the other, all the Bellas reached the middle of the room, where water bottles were quickly emptied. "Is there a particular reason why you don't do this suicidal stuff?", Claire asked Chloe after gulping down her water.

"Well...", Chloe opened her mouth to answer but was almost immediately interrupted by Beca. "Can't you see she's in great shape already? She doesn't need it", the brunette said while nearing the rim of the bottle to her mouth for the second time. The amused cocked brow she received from Chloe and the annoyed one she received from Claire made Beca realize how harsh she must have sounded. She shrugged and took another sip.

"What Beca means is that I'd rather supervise you working out at the beginning", Chloe smiled as her hand slid across Beca's back, landing on her waist, "I'll join you running laps, Claire, as soon as you all get used to do cardio". She squeezed Beca's hip, making her wince a little.

"Oh, okay... Was just a question, sorry", the dark-haired girl apologized, eyeing Chloe's hand on Beca's side.

"Tomorrow we will rehearse the first part of the choreography and Beca", Chloe briefly interrupted to kiss her quickly on her temple, earning a pleased smirk from the brunette, "will instruct us on which parts we're going to sing, alright?"

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]Where stories live. Discover now