Setbacks, Lies and Unforeseen Events

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"Cynthia, if you could start rapping a few seconds before Claire finishes her part, it would be great", Beca instructed. The black girl nodded in response, "Sure, no prob"

"And... Claire? When you sing, don't use your chest to breathe, otherwise you'll end up tired in seconds", the brunette explained, trying not to sound like a know-it-all, "Use your diaphragm instead, and you won't be yawning while you perform"

Claire cocked one brow and pouted, "Um, okay? I don't know what that means but yeah, sure"

"It means you need to breathe with your nose and not with your mouth", Beca sighed.

"You could have just said that", Amy pointed out with a chuckle, "Sometimes you get us confused"

"Okay", Beca shrugged. She wasn't really in the mood for any discussion, argument or whatever, she didn't feel like laughing and much less chatting. She just wanted to lie down on her bed, headphones covering her ears and a hot water bottle placed right on her lower back.

"Let's do this one more time and then you can go", Beca took a deep breath and motioned the girls to take their positions.

"Already?", Stacie asked incredulous as she checked her watch, "We've been here for barely one hour...?"

"We've been rehearsing for days, y'all know the song and regionals will be in two weeks", Beca replied plainly, "We could work on the choreography but it wouldn't make sense since Chloe's not here today... so yeah, you can go"

"You sure?", Cynthia Rose insisted, her brows furrowed.

Beca looked at all of them, confused. Was it so inconceivable to dismiss them that early? She chuckled to herself but her expression remained quite stern, "Unless you want to run laps for another hour, yes, I'm sure"

Cynthia Rose opened her mouth to reply but Amy elbowed her, causing her to gasp loudly, "What Cynthia meant to say is that we understand your reasons", the blonde girl gave a toothy smile, "Are you feeling well though?"

Beca was rubbing her temples, a mixture of painful frustration and will to cry overcoming her, "I'm perfectly fine, thank you", she opened her eyes only to find 16 others curiously looking at her and waiting for her to say what to do next or at least to start singing, "You know what? You guys were already on point, we don't need to do this once more — you can go now"

The brunette sat on one of the chairs and let out a deep breath. A loud chitchat quickly filled the room, joyous laughter of disbelief for having more free time came from Jessica and Ashley, who started walking over to the exit door, followed by Cynthia Rose and Lilly.

Fat Amy sat beside Beca, "You don't look good, you know that?"

"I'm fine, really"

"You're pale and sweaty though", Claire considered. Flo tilted her head, "Maybe you're pregnant"

"Flo, she's a lesbian...?", Stacie frowned.

"Do you want me to call Chloe? Maybe you'll feel better if she's here?", Fat Amy asked, gently nudging Beca's side.

"Y'all, calm down", Beca talked in a rather loud voice, "I said I'm fine and no, don't call her, she must be driving back to campus and I don't want her to be distracted by the phone — I'm just a little worn out and -"

"Uh, what if it's mono?", Stace gasped, "I've had it and it's no joke"

"Impossible, it's spread via saliva so Chloe should have that, too", Fat Amy answered matter-of-factly.

"What is it that I should have?", Chloe's voice chirped from the front door, "Hey, where is everyone else?", she asked after looking around.

"Oh, thank God", Beca stood up and jogged over to her girlfriend, who opened her arms to welcome her into a tight embrace.

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