What If...?

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It was a dull, grey day.

The rain had been falling down for hours, constantly drumming against the glass of the huge window in the living room; the wind was howling and rustling, violently shaking the branches of the trees in the backyard, the clouds in the sky were almost black and, from time to time, a lighting could be seen appear among them, the rumble of its thunder following immediately after.

Classic Twilight atmosphere.

Beca hated it.

She was home alone, her father being at campus for his last class before Christmas Break and Sheila being out for the weekend with some friends of hers, so the house was dead silent. When she had woken up that same morning, Beca had decided it would be a great day, that she would maybe get inspired to write some more songs, that she would enjoy her alone time and focus on her music... Now it was almost noon, and Beca knew she had been wrong. It was almost like that shitty weather had sucked in all her energy and contentment. It sucked.

She used to love rainy days, but only because they would imply a night in with her best friends. The Bellas would never go out when it rained, they'd just watch a movie or play some games all together, and Beca loved it. Of course, she'd never admit that out loud, but still. Rain meant hot tea -- or hot chocolate, when it came to Fat Amy -- it meant laughing at Stacie's absurd stories in front of the tiny wood stove, it meant mocking Cynthia Rose's nonsensical fear of thunders...

Rain meant snuggling up to Chloe on the sofa, it meant wrapping one arm around her waist just to hold her close, it meant feeling her fingers mindlessly run through the chestnut cloud of her hair and smiling at the soft pecks that were being left at the very top of her head. Chloe would always whisper something sweet into her ear, which would cause Beca to either giggle quietly or look at her with adoring eyes, and they would keep going, flirting like two hopelessly-in-love kids, until Amy (or whichever other Bella) would barge in, cutting them off and forcing them to take part to the ultimate Twister or UNO battle.

But now?

Now Beca was lonely, rather than alone, and she was missing her friends like crazy. From time to time she would text some of the Bellas, Fat Amy and Stacie were the ones she heard most from, but it was not the same. Even though they weren't that close yet, Beca missed Flo's uncalled-for comments. Damn, she even missed Lilly's weirdness.

And fuck, did she miss Chloe.

She hadn't heard from her in five days. Five days since their last conversation, five days without seeing her or hearing her voice. Beca knew it was for the best, that Chloe was giving her time to think on her own, just like she had requested... but the distance was driving the brunette insane. And instead of analyzing the situation and deciding what to do with her relationship with Chloe, Beca had been spending half of the time wondering whether Chloe would maybe come by, some time. Just to say hi or to give her coat back, using that as a lame excuse to see her.

In a way, Beca knew that staying at her father's was useless, but did she have any other options? At least she had got creative and had managed to write three songs... Two of which she had ended up hating after reading them one day later, but who cares, it's not like her songs were bound to be listened by many. Just by her.

Hurt was still her favorite. Then there was Older, but Beca had written it during a night where she was feeling particularly down in the dumps, so it sounded a little too depressed for her likings... and Ready Yet, quite good text, but too fatalist anyway.

Beca sighed deeply, diverting her eyes from the window, now covered in countless drops that were making their way down the glass, competing against each other. She was humming the refrain of the song she had written five days before, lingering on and repeating the last verse almost like she was reconsidering some chords she had already settled on. She crossed her legs on the couch and grabbed the remote, turning the TV on in the hope of finding something interesting that could catch her attention and distract her.

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें