Without You

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Feeling the pale sunshine peep through the window and tickle her face, Beca stretched her arms and legs almost involuntarily as a small smile appeared on her mouth. Still half-conscious, she rolled to her side and stuck her arm out, looking for her favorite source of heat in order to pull her closer to her body. It was unusually cold. Chloe would normally radiate so much warmth during the sleep that Beca had often had to take off the lower part of her pajama not to suffocate.

When her arm landed on the cold, untouched mattress, however, Beca snapped her eyes open. Now suddenly awake, she quickly sat up and stared glassy-eyed at the empty space beside her. She looked around, recognizing the red and orange curtains her dad had bought especially for his daughter.

She wasn't in Chloe's room...

The small smile became invisible, making room for an emotionless expression. "Chloe...", Beca whispered as soon as she realized that maybe the bad dream she had had during night wasn't a dream at all.

Chloe was gone.

Not minding her brain commanding her not to, Beca felt her bottom lip quiver. Her eyes soon got watery and a shooting pain in her chest was causing her breathing to be irregular and heavy, almost like a huge boulder had been placed on her diaphragm. She took her head between her hands as reality hit her harder with every passing second. She heard a sob. It took her a while before realizing that it was hers.

How could she begin the day without her good morning kisses? Without their daily challenge to see which of them two would get to the bathroom first? Without hearing her laughing in victory and immediately being okay with her showering first?

How could she live without her? She needed to bury her nose into her hair, inhale her intoxicating perfume and hear her delicate, beautiful voice say that she loved her more than anything and anyone in the world. She needed to kiss her nose right after mocking her for being cheesy. She needed to tell her how precious she was and she needed to see the cute blush spreading all over her cheeks.

Tears were copiously coming down without Beca even completely realizing it. She missed her and it had barely been seven hours since she saw her.

How could Chloe think a break would be a good option? Breaks are probably called like that because people end up being broken. And Beca hated everything about not being with Chloe.

A knock on the door snapped Beca out of her thoughts. She quickly wiped away her tears with the palm of her hands before inviting her dad in. Francis peeked his head inside the room before gifting his daughter with one of his wide smiles.

"Good morning sweetheart", he greeted her, "Have you slept well?"

Beca couldn't help a sniffle, but she nodded, "Yeah, thank you. I'm still sorry for waking you and Sheila up last night but it was kinda last minute and I didn't have the key with me"

"Don't worry about it, Bec", the man let himself in, "Is everything alright?"

The brunette managed to hold back a sigh before nodding her head again, "Everything- Everything's alright, I, I am definitely alright. Never been better, I swear"

Francis cocked one brow and sat on the bed beside his daughter. "You got both your mother looks and the total inability to lie... Do you want to talk about it? Has it something to do with your group? Or Chloe?"

Hearing Chloe's name, Beca felt a stab in her stomach. She forced herself to smile and shook her head, "No, it's okay. I'm okay... but I'm hungry", she diverted the subject.

Francis smirked and nodded, "Breakfast is already on the table". He leaned forward and kissed Beca on the forehead, "Come whenever you want"

She smiled thankful and watched as her dad walked out. She sighed before grabbing her phone from the nightstand. She turned it on and it immediately exploded with texts and missed calls. Mostly from Amy and... Chloe? Why would she call her? She shook her head and placed the device down, forcing herself not to read any of the messages nor to call her back. She couldn't take it, she couldn't hear her voice or she knew she would burst out in tears. And if she had something important to tell her she could do it later at rehearsals.

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