Never Have I Ever

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When Chloe woke up, she didn't immediately realized where she was. The morning light was seeping in through the curtains, partially illuminating the room and the DJ set on the desk. Ah, yeah, she had slept over at Beca's. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, still feeling a little drowsy: as much as she was a morning person, waking up was always the most traumatizing event of her day. She slowly perked up, trying not to wake the brunette up: Beca was still sleeping blissfully with her cheek leaned on her hand and her mouth bent in a weak smile. Chloe stared at her for a couple of minutes, her eyes wandering from her wavy, messy hair to her bitten, black-painted nails. She was beautiful. Every now and then, the brunette emitted a low noise with her nose and Chloe couldn't help but smile at all that cuteness. The redhead would have liked to lie again next to her, wrapping her arm around her chest for snuggling, but instead she got up, shaking off that sudden strong desire. 

Taking advantage of Beca's still shut eyes, she took off the pajama and put her clothes back on. She checked the time: it was little past 7. She had slept for less than 4 hours, but that had hardly ever been a problem for her. Before leaving the room, she left a message on the desk for Beca:

I've gone jogging. Thank you again for having me over, Bec. See you at rehearsals ;) xo - Chlo

Even though the sun was shining, the wind was brisk. Chloe did some quick stretching and then started running - like most of the mornings - around the quad. Nearly 30 minutes after, Chloe's phone rang. It was a text from Beca: Where?

The redhead looked at her phone, confused: Where what? 

Where do you find the strength to go jogging, jeez, it's 7 am.

Chloe started laughing at the text and she stopped running to catch her breath: Dumbass x

Yeah, call me what you want but while I'm comfortably wrapped in blankets, you're out freezing and running. Who's the dumbass now? - Beca's text arrived few moments later. The redhead smiled at her phone, pondering her reply. Whether to be flirtatious or not with Beca was always a good question since she didn't know how far she could go. 

I guess you have a point. You better get ready for Bellas' rehearsals btw x

She opted for a more neutral reply than 'I would have rather stayed there with you longer'. When she read Beca's answer, Chloe swore she could hear her friend snorting: Fine. x

She decided she would run one last lap before going back to her dorm. The wind was tousling her auburn hair and the quad was extremely quiet - only a few students were already up: Chloe felt so peaceful that she knew she could have spent the whole morning out there. She didn't know, though, whether she was feeling so good because of the morning run or because of her brown-haired friend. Beca would always make her feel tremendously well, in fact. All of a sudden, the memory of the DJ intertwining her fingers with hers the night before made Chloe grin: Beca hadn't probably even realized it since she was already sleeping, but when the ginger had sensed her touch, she had felt extremely happy. Her hands were so soft and warm that she would have liked to hold them the whole night. 

Back to reality, Chloe snapped out of her daydreaming. It was almost 8 am. Damn, the rehearsals. It was too late to go back to her dorm and shower, so she did the first thing that came to her mind: she lay on the spot on the grass of the quad, the dew slightly wetting her clothes, and she briefly closed her eyes, inhaling the morning breeze. Five minutes there couldn't kill anybody, right? After all, she was just relieving some stress. 

"Okay, I know you've been weird on different occasions, but this", Beca's voice made Chloe jump, "-this tops them all, Red". Chloe had now her eyes wide open in surprise. "You're gonna catch a cold if you lay there", the brunette told matter-of-facly while reaching out to help her getting up, "What were you doing?". 

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]Where stories live. Discover now