Sunshine and Rain Clouds

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"Lakes must be our thing, I guess", Beca chuckled as she and Chloe were strolling hand in hand along the lake shore, "Dinner was great, by the way -- Thanks for the check, you really didn't need-"

"I said I would treat you and I'm really happy to do it", Chloe interrupted her mid-sentence and pecked her nose, causing the brunette to smile, "Did you know that with tomorrow we'll have been dating for a month, by the way?", she asked out of the blue.

"And how come I'm not tired of you yet?", the DJ teased while wrapping her arms around her neck. Chloe seemed to consider her answer, "Um, maybe because I'm amazing?", she decided to play along.

"Oh, really? Someone's ego's huge"

Chloe shrugged, "Big enough to keep up with yours", she replied deadpan as she moved her lips closer to hers.

"Is it weird that I get turned on every time we tease each other like this?", the brunette whispered, her eyes totally focused on her girlfriend's red lips a few inches from her.

"It definitely is", the redhead chuckled and lightly tightened her grip around Beca's waist.

"Will you kiss me now or do I have to beg?", the brunette's voice was almost a whisper. Chloe smirked and, without saying anything more, she kissed her. Beca tried to restrain herself from getting too carried away, reminding herself that they were in public, but she couldn't help but groan into Chloe's mouth once the redhead tugged on her lower lip as she kept her close by holding her behind her head, fingers running through her hair.

When they broke the kiss, they stared at each other for quite a while, smiling like two hopelessly-in-love teenagers. "Next time I'll make you beg", the ginger chuckled against her ear.

The brunette sighed, jumped on her tiptoes and kissed her again before Chloe could even realize it, "Shall we go back to the hotel?", she smirked maliciously, her eyes running up and down Chloe's body. The redhead bit her lip and slightly squinted her eyes, "Actually, I had something else planned for us tonight"



"This is great, Chlo!", Beca yelled above the loud music. She was going crazy on the dance floor, jumping and moving to the rhythm of the songs the DJ was playing, a drink in her right hand, which she was trying really hard not to spill.

Chloe was right next to her, dancing so gracefully and at the same time so wildly that almost everyone's eyes were on her, her moves being so smooth and flawless. "I'm glad you like it", she spoke close to Beca's ear, "I'm out of beer, come with me for a refill?"

The brunette nodded and, after Chloe took her by her hand, they walked to the bar, where they grabbed a couple of stools and sat on them, music still so loud that it kept drumming into their ears. Once she ordered, Chloe rested her head on her hand and watched her girlfriend while smirking, "Do you like the music?"

"I love it", Beca grinned, "How did you know this place?"

The redhead shrugged, "I read about this event three or four days ago and have thought about taking you since", she said before pecking her cheek, "You're beautiful when you dance"

"You mean 'I'm funny when I dance'?", Beca chuckled, "You are a natural, Chloe, the way you move and all -- I couldn't take my eyes off you, and nor did half of the people here". Although the strobe lights made it almost impossible to notice, Beca saw her girlfriend blush.

"What are you talking about? It's not true", the redhead rubbed the back of her neck and took a sip of her beer.

"Well, if they were not watching you, then they were staring at my failed attempt to moonwalk", Beca got off her stool and improvised the famous Michael Jackson's move, causing the ginger to cackle.

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]Where stories live. Discover now