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After almost three weeks, the Bellas house had already become one of a kind. Pictures of the girls had been hung on the walls along the stairs and in the living room, colorful and various pieces of furniture had been added here and there to give the house a more personal touch and, having Ashley an amazing green thumb, several flowerpots stood out in the most unconceivable spots and made a striking ensemble.

All the Bellas were step by step getting used to spending almost all of their time together and a sort of routine had already been created. A few fights had already happened - chores and cleaning shifts are always a problem - but nothing was ever so serious not to be resolved within a couple of hours. Overall, the eight girls were doing just great.

"I wanna die", Beca snorted as she tossed her soaked bag on the couch. She scratched her head in bafflement, sighed and then threw herself beside her books, lying with her arm covering her eyes in the vain attempt to ignore the constant sound of raindrops against the window and to relax.

"What happened?", a mellow voice asked from the kitchen.

The brunette huffed but didn't move from where she was, "I hate college"

Chloe entered the living room, a small smile on her face and two steamy cups of tea in her hands. She carefully placed them on the small table the girls had bought one week before, removed Beca's dirty bag from the white couch with a roll of her eyes and slightly lifted Beca's legs, placing them in her lap after sitting down, "Care to explain?"

The brunette opened one eye and took a deep breath, "It's mrs. Blossom -- She wants us to write a ten-page-long essay by next week and that honestly reminded me of how damn useless college is". Chloe smirked and placed her hand on Beca's, squeezing it. "Like, for real, why in hell do I need to write that much about Descartes? Who cares?", she kept groaning.

"I know how it feels, Becs", the redhead finally spoke, "And I know it may seem useless, but trust me that it's really worth it in the end"

"If you say so...", Beca sighed, "How was your day anyway?"

Chloe ran her fingers through Beca's hair and gave her a smile, "Kinda boring, I only went grocery shopping -- It's not very fun having just one class to follow", she grabbed the cup from the table and handed it to the brunette, who slowly sat up to take it, "Amy tried to convince Stacie and me to slide down the stairs as a sort of initiation ceremony to inaugurate the house", she sniggered as she quoted with her fingers, "No, Becs, I didn't do that", she added once she noticed Beca's face lighting up with an hopeful smile, "Not after seeing her fall on her back down the stairs -- Not the best thing, if you asked me"

"Please, at least tell me you recorded her"

The redhead laughed and shook her head, "Nope, but I'm positive she'll be happy to show you if you beg her"

Beca took another sip of her warm drink before placing the cup back on the small table and clearing her throat, "Where is everybody by the way?"

"Um, Amy and CR have class, Jessica is sleeping in her room and Stacie-"

Almost as if Stacie had been summoned, she appeared in the living room, "Hey girls", she greeted with a wave of her hand after closing her umbrella, "Hi Becs, had a good day?"

"Kinda, if you don't consider I had no umbrella when it started to pour", the brunette replied with a sigh as Chloe affectionately rubbed her back, "What about you?"

"I just went out with Archie, the Nirvana-guy", Stacie answered with a shrug, "It was the fifth time we went out and, honestly, I don't think there will be a sixth -- He's hella boring"

"Oh, I'm sorry", Chloe intervened, "By the way, Aubrey says hi, Stace"

Beca raised her brows and managed to hold back a chuckle. Chloe was always as subtle as an earthquake.

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]Where stories live. Discover now