The New Bellas

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When Beca finally got at the rehearsal room, all the girls were already there, starting to take chairs toward the center of the room in order to sit down and listen to Aubrey's plan of the day. Aubrey and Chloe were standing right in front of a whiteboard with many blue writings already on it.

The DJ was on the threshold, completely out of breath and exhausted by the run. She placed her hands on her knees, deeply inhaling, not caring about all the curious stares her newly-teammates were giving her. The alcohol was still circulating in her body so recovering from a run had turned out to be more difficult than expected. 

The eyes of a rather amused Chloe were now focusing on that peculiar scene and, before even realizing it, the redhead was walking toward Beca to make sure everything was alright. Chloe couldn't help herself, it was part of her caring nature. Triggered by the sound of footsteps coming closer, Beca popped right up as nothing had happened, her breath suddenly even, and her eyes met Chloe's, who was a couple of feet from her now. Still smirking, the redhead asked, "Can I be of any help?". There was no sarcasm at all in her voice. 

As soon as Beca looked at her, the image of Chloe kissing that guy popped up in her head. After feeling her stomach tightening, she remembered the promise she had made to herself that same morning: she needed the old, same Beca to come back. 

All of a sudden, she found herself frowning and coldly saying, "No, I'm fine - thanks". 

She wasn't looking at Chloe anymore: she knew that if she had stared into those blue eyes, she would have melt once again and all her efforts would have been vain. The brunette walked toward the other Bellas, carefully avoiding the ginger's confused gaze and taking a chair to the center of the room. 

It took Chloe a moment before she could realize what had just happened. 

Was Beca angry at her? Of the few things the ginger could remember of the night before, Beca's smile and good mood were the most vivid memories so...why that change? Maybe she had got up on the wrong side of the bed...? Or, maybe -- mh, was it possible that...? -- No. How could that be? Beca couldn't possibly be upset because of the kiss... or could she?

Chloe was still standing there, her eyes now staring the floor. "Hey ginger head", a bright voice was calling her, "The floor may be interesting but we are all waiting for you, so get your twig ass here", Fat Amy continued. She really had no filter. Chloe shook her head in amusement and did as ordered. Aubrey had her eyebrows raised, questioning her friend's unusual behavior. 

When all the Bella's attention was for Aubrey, she started talking, her index pointing to the capital "NEW BELLAS" written on the whiteboard behind her, "Welcome to our first rehearsal of the year, my dear new Bellas!", she said in a fruity voice, "As you can see, Kori is not here", she continued, now suddenly serious, "Last night, she was Treble-boned. She's been dis-invited from the Bellas". Beca's eyes briefly wandered around in disbelief as to verify what Aubrey had just said.

"That oath was serious?", asked an incredulous brunette raising both her brows.

The answer came immediately, "Dixie Chicks-serious", the blonde's green eyes now glaring at Beca, "You can fool around with anyone you want, just not a Treble". She then smirked sarcastically at her, knowing she had just touched a nerve.

"That's not going to be easy", Stacie's voice raised as her hands pointed to her vagina, "He's a hunter". Some of the Bellas giggled, Aubrey was unimpressed. 

"You call it a dude?", Beca asked, her smile a mixture of amusement and admiration. Stacie nodded at her, pleased with herself. Ignoring Beca's last remark, Aubrey continued speaking, this time watching the other girl: "Stacie, the Trebles don't respect us", her tone was theatrical, "They treat us like we're one big joke. And if we let them penetrate us, we're giving them our power". Aubrey raised her fist to give her - and everybody else - the gist. 

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