I Need You

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Beca couldn't sleep.

She had already tried every possible position - on her side, on the back, on the stomach - but nothing, she couldn't fall asleep. She kept thinking about how she had left Chloe: hurt and in tears. All because she had been too stubborn to even hear what she had to say. Because, yeah, Beca Mitchell was tough, right? She didn't need anybody. 

Who was she trying to convince? She already missed Chloe and they hadn't spoken for only 2 hours. The only thought of not having her around made her feel sick. The real question was: was Beca ready to admit it? Was she willing to forgive the ginger?

Not that there was much to forgive. Now that her head was clear, she had realized how much of a jerk she had been to Chloe. It's true, her friend hadn't been able to stand up for her, so what? Between the two of them, Beca had always been the stronger one. Yet, she had got upset because the redhead hadn't openly taken her part. 

'Why are you so fucking stupid?', she told to herself. She was throwing away the most beautiful thing that's ever happened to her because of something insignificant, something that, compared to all the positive things, was absolutely nothing.

"Okay, fine", she said out loud, reaching for her phone.

"What the hell?"

"Keep sleeping, Kimmy Jin", she kept forgetting she wasn't alone. She turned her phone on: it was almost 1 am. In about two seconds, she got a series of texts:

Red | 11:45 pm

Bec I know you're mad but
please let me explain

Red | 11:56 pm

It's killing me, can we talk?
I feel like shit and I miss you already...

Red | 12:33 am

I don't know if you're already sleeping
but if you're not I would like to talk

Red | 12:47 am

I love you. Night x
Don't hate me

Beca felt horrible. She only wanted to apologize and have Chloe back, feeling safe between her arms and talking to her about anything and everything. Her latest text had been sent about ten minutes before, maybe Chloe was still awake

Beca | 01:02 am

Still awake?

Red | 01:03 am

Oh God, yes. Can we talk?
I'm so sorry

Beca | 01:05 am

Can I come over?

Red | 01:06 am

Yes please

Chloe wasn't mad. Of course she wasn't: Chloe never was. She breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe it wasn't too late. She quickly got up and got dressed as quietly as possible. She didn't put any makeup on, she didn't have the time for that. After grabbing her jacket, she exited the room.


Chloe hadn't stopped crying for a second. Amy had found her sitting on the auditorium stairs, her head still desperately hiding behind her hands. She was sobbing so hard that the Australian had waited twenty minutes before telling her that they had ranked third and therefore hadn't made it to the ICCA. The redhead was sorry but she honestly didn't care much anymore. 

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