I Do

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Chloe | 05.39 pm
I miss you 😔

Becs 💕 | 05.43 m
I miss you, too, C.
But I'll see you in a
couple of weeks 😉

Becs 💕 | 05.44 pm
Nothing much, btw
I'm w/ Sheila at the
mall 🙈🤦🏼‍♀️

Chloe | 05.45 pm
Can't wait 🙈💗 oh,
bridesmaid dress?

Becs 💕 | 06.03 pm
Yep. She's driving me
crazy... I've already
tried 7 on and she's still
not convinced. Fml

Chloe | 06.05 pm
Haha I'm sure you look
good in any of them 😉

Becs 💕 | 06.10 pm
U sweet 😘 but I actually
look more like a potato in
a fancy dress. Yuck.

Becs 💕 | 06.13 pm

Becs 💕 | 06.13 pm

Chloe | 06.17 pm
I wanna see it 😭
Send pic pls? ❤️

Becs 💕 | 06.20 pm
Nope 😈 you'll have
to wait.

Chloe | 06.24 pm
At least tell me the
color? I don't wanna
show up in brown if
you're wearing yellow 😬

Becs 💕 | 06.25 pm
Brown and yellow?
What kind of weddings
have u been to? 😂

Chloe | 06.27 pm
😐 u know what I mean

Becs 💕 | 06.31 pm
😂 it's pink tho 😣

Chloe | 06.32 pm
U? In Pink? That's
intriguing 😏

Becs 💕 | 06.35 pm
Shut up. Sheila's happy
w/ it but I h8 it. I'm just
glad I'm home now 😷

Chloe | 06.37 pm
I'm sure you look great :)

Becs 💕 | 06.40 pm

Becs 💕 | 06.40 pm
What r u doing today?

Chloe | 06.43 pm
I meet with Aubrey for
dinner 😉

Becs 💕 | 06.45 pm
I keep forgetting u both
live in Portland. Say hi to
her from me! 😁

Chloe | 06.51 pm
I will 😊 I'd better go,
you know how angry
she gets when ppl are
not on time 🤦🏼‍♀️

Chloe | 06.52 pm
R u free l8r? We could
FaceTime if u want?

Becs 💕 | 07.00 pm
Sure, I miss ur face 🙈

Chloe | 07.02 pm
Just my face? 😔

Becs 💕 | 07.03 pm
The whole package, actually

Chloe | 07.05 pm
I love you ❤️

Becs 💕 | 07.06 pm
I love you too ❤️ have fun,
see u later 😘

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora