Ah, l'Amour

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"So, what's next on the list?", Beca asked as she took her coffee to her lips, sipping it slowly, "We've been here for only two days and we've already seen practically all the monuments -- sightseeing with you is insane", she chuckled, earning a playful glare from the redhead sitting in front of her.

"It's not my fault if I like art and stuff", Chloe pouted as she delicately broke off a piece of croissant with two pinched fingers.

"We've been inside the Louvre for almost four hours, Chlo..."

"Some people spend entire days to visit it all, to be fair", the ginger shot back with a shrug, causing the brunette to smile and roll her eyes, "You can decide what to do next, if you want"

"Are you really giving me carte blanche?", Beca's eyes lit up, "Cause I might have an idea and-"

"Going back to the hotel and cuddle is not an option, babe", Chloe giggled and cocked one brow, "Not until tonight, at least", she added in a whisper as she licked some custard off her finger. The brunette looked at her, bewitched by the gesture, and felt herself blushing. She then cleared her throat and gulped, "Why not?", she almost whined.

"Because", Chloe giggled knowingly, "As much as I love cuddling with you, you brought me to one of the most beautiful cities in the world and I want to see as much as possible". Beca nodded slowly and lowered her eyes, "Okay, makes sense...", she muttered while cursing herself for not choosing some other place where to spend some days with her girlfriend.

Paris was getting to her head. Maybe because of the way-too-romantic vibes the city was giving off, maybe because Chloe kept wearing those cute, floral dresses that made her look like a full-fledged Parisian or, again, because the two of them had been together for quite a while, discovering more and more about each other's bodies, Beca was completely, hopelessly and constantly... horny. The brunette had initially blamed her period and the storm of hormones it had  carried along five days before, but now that it had ended, she had no more excuses.

She wanted Chloe. Was that a sin? No. Could anyone blame her for wanting her girlfriend? No. Chloe was absolutely beautiful and smart and she loved her with all her heart, so what's more natural than wanting to better get to know her every single part?

She had always had such thoughts, by the way. More or less since the first time she had seen Chloe in her underwear, months before. At the beginning she had thought she was going crazy ('Why am I feeling attracted to her?!') but after she had entirely accepted herself and Chloe had become her significant other, those instincts were getting almost impossible to hide ('Because I'm so gay')

That's why Chloe knew. She was perfectly aware of what was going on inside Beca's mind and therefore she couldn't help but tease her from time to time, smirking at how obvious her sexual intentions were. Clearly, the redhead felt the same way: the thought of becoming more intimate with her brunette was in her mind almost 24/7, especially whenever they were about to fall asleep, their bodies tightly pressed against each other and their fingers interlaced. The only difference from Beca was the fact that, having quite a few years of experience in relationships, Chloe could perfectly master the ability of concealing her sex drive.

"I've got another idea", Beca snapped her fingers, dragging Chloe back to reality, "And no, I'm not taking you on the Eiffel Tower - It's not the only place I know", she added sarcastically, almost reading the redhead's mind.

"Surprise me then", Chloe smirked as she stood up. She reached out, inviting Beca to grab her hand and leave the café they were sitting outside of.

"You want to go now?", Beca asked, taking her hand anyway.

"Yes", the ginger gave her a flirty half-smile as she pecked her cheek, "The sooner we get our sightseeing done today, the sooner we get back to the hotel", she whispered into her ear.

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