After The Regionals

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2 weeks later, after the Regionals 

"What do you mean you have to take her to the police station?!", Chloe, still wearing her flight-attendant-like Bella uniform, was fuming, "It wasn't even her fault!", she yelled. The policemen who had grabbed Beca by her arm signaled the redhead to stand back, "Miss, unless you don't want to be handcuffed as well, I'd recommend you to back off". Beca quickly met Chloe's eyes and, shaking her head, she silently told her to let go, while she was taken to the police car.

Aubrey ran and grabbed Chloe's hand in comfort, "Chlo, it's nothing -- They will just take her to the headquarter and do some controls, she'll be back tonight". The redhead made her hands into fists and clenched her jaw, "It's unfair - She hasn't started the fight!", she turned and glared at the Tonehangers, "You! You're all adults, you're supposed to take responsibility for what's happened!". The leader of the older a cappella group looked ashamed and all the Treblemakers - who had watched the entire scene - were looking at each other, incredulous.

"Chloe, stop!", Aubrey tried to calm her down, "There's nothing we can do here". Chloe didn't want to give up, "I'll go to the station and bail her out - you go to the campus in the meantime", she suggested, resolute. Fat Amy, still out of breath because of her vertical running, approached the ginger, "Um, actually", she spoke while nervously rubbing her head, "Jesse has just left for the same purpose". 

Chloe took a deep breath and started tearing up in frustration, "Okay, fine". Aubrey immediately hugged her, "Chloe, I swear, it will be fine", she told her sweetly, "She'll be fine -- I get you're nervous but tearing your hair out won't be of any use to anyone". Chloe nodded, wiping one tear. "Now let's get to our van - we'll wait for Beca at the campus", Aubrey comforted her. "Thanks, Bree", Chloe smiled weakly.


It was almost midnight when Beca finally returned to her dorm. She was walking down the corridor, the anger for her father evened out by the tiredness. At least the Bellas had qualified for the semi-finals. That was the only silver lining. 

She put the key in the lock but she noticed that the door was already open. As soon as she set foot inside, a chorus of voices raised, "Hey, shawshank!", Fat Amy yelled, "Did they spray you with a hose?" - "Find yourself a bitch?", Cynthia Rose laughed - "I once did a turn at county", Lilly whispered, but nobody heard. Seeing all the Bellas there, in her room, sitting on her bed, made Beca smile, "You waited up for me?", she asked, moved. 

Chloe, whose eyes had already lit up when she had seen Beca entering, stood up and smiled, "Of course we waited up for you", she replied, sweetly. Fat Amy secretly exchanged a knowing glance with the other Bellas.

"They've been here for hours - It's a real inconvenience, Beca", Kimmy Jin suddenly said, taking everybody off-guard, "I'm sleeping at a friend's dorm tonight, you can be as loud as you want", she sighed and went out. Beca raised her brows and looked at Chloe, who giggled.

"I'm glad you're here, Beca", Aubrey was sitting at the brunette's desk - Beca looked at her skeptically, "I'm calling an emergency Bella-meeting", the DJ rolled her eyes - here's why Aubrey was happy to see her.

"First up", the blonde began talking, "Our score sheet revealed that The Sockappellas almost beat us. We need to bust our asses if we're going to make it to the Finals", she said, her tone getting more agitated, "Amy, you need to do your solo as rehearsed".

"Or try a new approach...", the brunette tried to suggest. Aubrey rolled her eyes and muttered, "Not again". Beca didn't give up, "Wait, listen, the reason why we almost lost to sock puppets is because they took a risk", she explained matter-of-factly, "Being good isn't enough to win". A few heads nodded in agreement, "Beca's right", Cynthia Rose supported her, "The Trebles never sing the same song twice". "And the audience loves the Trebles", Beca completed her sentence, "While they tolerate us -- Aubrey, we could seriously change the face of a cappella if we could-", Beca paused for a second, dizzy, "Oh my God, I can't believe I really said that", she told to herself.

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