Trust me

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"He tried to kiss you, then...", Chloe probed while biting one slice of the pizza Beca had brought over. They were eating while sitting on Chloe's room floor. She was definitely feeling better.

Beca nodded while sipping her coke, "Yeah, I mean, when someone leans their head this way", the brunette imitated the gesture Jesse had made one hour before, moving her head so close to the redhead that their lips were only a few inches away - she could even feel Chloe's warm, sweet breath, "What do you think they want to do?", she continued, trying to hide the sudden blush on her cheeks.

Chloe giggled.
Yes, the idea of Beca and Jesse almost kissing wasn't her favorite at all, but at least the brunette had backed off. "Well, if you didn't feel like kissing him, you did the right thing", the redhead nodded at herself, her azure eyes flirtatiously staring at her friend. Beca couldn't hold eye contact. She still had to get used to it, it was still too much to handle, "Yeah", she said, now looking at the pizza box, "I guess...", she interrupted herself.
A curious, more serious look appeared on Chloe's face, "What?".

Beca was considering whether she should tell Chloe about all the things she had in mind, that she was confused about what to feel and, especially, for whom.
She decided to be vague, "It's just that it's all new to me", she shrugged.

A sudden doubt crossing her mind, Chloe tilted her head and slightly narrowed her eyes, "Becs, have you ever been kissed?", she probed, an inquisitive look on her face. Beca froze for a second and looked at her, "Of course I have - that's not what I meant", she stated, shaking her head.

Chloe righted her head, "Oh, what did you mean then?".

Good job, Becs - Well, Mitchell, you got yourself into a wannabe emotional speech, now what?

Beca's eyes wandered off as trying to find an emergency exit, "Um, I meant that it's been quite a long time since I last had a boyfriend", she stuttered as if finally saying those words out loud was a weight off her shoulders, " I really have no idea of how I should feel, since last didn't go exactly great", she paused, "I mean... I haven't had good experiences so far, that's all". She smiled and lifted her hands as to minimize what she had just said.

Chloe's eyes became a little sad. After smiling, she slowly moved closer to Beca until they were sitting next to each other, their arms touching, "Wanna talk about it?", the redhead's tone was sincerely worried and touched by Beca's words.

"You really want to know about my crappy love life?", Beca laughed, still feeling a little bit awkward. Chloe laid her head on the brunette's shoulder, "Only if it makes you feel better".

Beca smiled. The warmth she felt when Chloe touched her or when they were close would never fade. She suddenly remembered what her mother had told her on their last phone call but she decided not to think about it.
"Well", she began, after sighing, "First, you need a bit of background", she solemnly announced, making Chloe smile. Her head was still laying there, so Beca felt her smile on her bare shoulder.

"My parents got divorced quite a long time ago", she told her, "It's been a tough divorce - my father had cheated on my mother with another woman and, when my mom found out, she kicked him out. I loved my family. I thought we were the happiest of the families, to be honest. And one day my father was gone", she paused.
Chloe grabbed her hand but didn't say a word, encouraging her to proceed. "We were pretty close, so not seeing his face before going to school was odd to say the least... Especially since I knew he was with another woman, probably starting a new family...without me", Beca felt her eyes getting wet but ignored it.

"I started behaving strangely: I began ignoring my mother, I always talked back to her and to my teachers and, before realizing it, I was lonely. No one would talk to me. I got suspended because I always skipped school".

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