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"Beca? Beca, wake up", a hand reaching for the bedsheets the DJ was sleeping in, her sleep being so deep that she couldn't even hear the knocking on the door. Finally opening her eyes, Beca was a little startled before she realized who was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Dad", she sighed, her mouth being too dried up to properly talk, "How did you get in?"

"Is that your first thought? Good morning, Dad", her father teased, "I'm sooo glad to see you", he tried to imitate Beca's voice, "Kimmy Jin let him in, by the way".

"I don't talk like that", she disclosed, hiding her head under the pillow, "What do you want?", her voice was now muffled. 

Her dad was staring at her laptop and headphones on the desk. He shook his head in discomfort: "This doesn't look like your 'Intro to Philosophy' class".

Beca rolled her eyes as she pulled her head out, inhaling the fresh air of the morning. Of course he had come all the way up to her in order to check on her: "I'm posing an important philosophical question", Beca started, her back now straight against the headboard, "If I don't actually go to class, will that class still suck?", she asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Kimmy Jin, who had been silent the whole time, turned toward father and daughter as soon as she heard that last statement, shook her head and got back to focusing on her essay: it was odd enough that Beca's father - one of her faculty teacher - spent so much time in their room. 

"Okay, I know you're mad at me. I get it", Francis Mitchell insisted, trying not to sound too annoyed by her daughter's attitude, "But I can't just let you waste your life in this room while you fiddle around with technical equipment I know nothing about... for God sake, Beca, put yourself in my shoes for a moment", his voice was now exasperated.

"I just...", Beca tried hard to modulate her voice since she didn't want to sound whiny, "I just don't understand why you won't support me? Mom does"

"Yeah, your mom is always right, uh? I am the bad guy"

"That's not what I meant..."

"The music industry is a seedy place, Bec", he ignored her, "And college is the transition period that prepares you for all the scary things life is gonna throw at you". His voice softened a little, noticing how his daughter's eyes were now staring at her feet. She always did that when he and his ex-wife scolded her when she was little. "You create memories here. I see it everyday", he went on, "Beca, you've been here, what, a month, now? Do you even have any friends?"

Beca blushed, her eyes now wandering around as if she could escape that question finding the appropriate answer in the room, "Kimmy Jin is my friend", her tone was very much uncertain.

"Nope", the Asian girl commented. Beca glared at her even if she couldn't see her.

Francis shook his head, "Just try something. Put yourself out there!"

Beca got up, dragging herself toward the closet: "I just got a job at the radio station", she said matter-of-factly.

"I've seen that place", her dad replied with croaky voice, "It's dark and dirty and has what? Three weirdos working there?"

"Well...", Beca pondered, "We're four, now", her finger pointing to herself, pretending to be offended but a wide, sarcastic smile appearing on her face.

"I feel like I haven't said it enough times but, Beca, this is the time in your life: try new things, explore, " he looked at her right in her blue eyes, "Don't be so fixated on this DJ thing". His eyes were now running to the flier on Beca's desk. Beca hadn't found a good reason to throw that flier away, that flier with the capital B printed on it, so she had just left it there, finding herself staring at it once in a while, wondering. "Like that. Do that", her father's voice taking Beca back to the Earth, "Just do something new. And if, in a year, you still don't want to be here, if you still want to try to be some big time music producer, then...", he paused, as if he was reconsidering what he was going to say, "You can quit college and I'll help you move to LA".

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang