On the Rooftop

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It was dark outside, Beca's car being the only source of light on the deserted road. Silence was reigning inside the vehicle and the sound produced by the wheels rolling fast on the asphalt was the only thing the girls could focus on, preventing them from initiating any kind of conversation.

Chloe had her head leaned against the window, her eyes staring into space. She was breathing heavily, giving away the fact that her calm was only apparent. She rubbed her hand on her arm and sighed. Why hadn't she brought her jacket? In the rush of leaving the house she must have forgotten how freezing it was outside.

Beca briefly diverted her attention from the road and glanced over to Chloe. She smiled weakly and placed her hand on her thigh, causing the redhead to look at her hand first and to raise her eyes to meet hers then, almost startled by the sudden contact.

"Everything's going to be fine, Chlo", Beca stated as she returned her eyes to the road.

Chloe nodded slowly, not really convinced. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and went back to lean her head against the cold window, forcing herself not to think about Aubrey lying on a hospital bed without her by her side.

"Claire, my jacket must be in the seat next to yours", the brunette broke the silence once again and looked at the girl in the back seat through the rearview mirror. Claire grabbed the black leather jacket and showed it to Beca, "This one?", she probed.

Beca nodded, "Give it to Chloe, please"

She handed the jacket to the redhead and Chloe took it thankful. She put it on and snuggled into its collar, inhaling Beca's sweet scent. "Thank you Bec", she murmured.

Beca smiled and sweetly looked at her. It pained her to see Chloe that worried but there wasn't really much she could say or do to make her feel better. Just drive as fast as she could.

"What happened though?", Claire asked out of the blue, her eyes snapping away from Beca's hand on Chloe's thigh.

"Um, Amy didn't say much on the phone", Beca talked calmly, "She said something about Aubrey jumping in front of a car, but I don't see how that can be right"

Chloe's back stiffened. She gulped and closed her eyes as soon as she felt them sting. She didn't want to cry. Maybe Aubrey was alright. Maybe Beca was right, how could have Aubrey let a car hit her on purpose?

"If Amy's telling the truth, Aubrey hasn't been very clever", Claire cocked one brow and tried to hide a smirk.

"Would you shut up?", Chloe snapped as she clenched her jaw. Claire hated Aubrey as much as Aubrey hated her, Chloe knew it. And now Claire was probably gloating over whatever had happened to the blonde.

"Sorry", Claire lifted her hands in mock surrender, "I was just trying to make you laugh a little, take it easy"

Chloe shivered and closed her hands into fists. Beca squeezed her thigh in the attempt of calming her girlfriend down but when she heard Chloe almost growl, she knew that unless she'd stop her car to prevent her from doing anything, there was nothing she could do.

"Are you for fucking real?", Chloe yelled, causing Claire to flinch, "Aubrey is probably dying in the hospital right now and you think about making jokes? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Aubrey's not dying anytime soon, babe", Beca intruded with a soft voice.

"And how do you know that?", Chloe turned her attention to the brunette, "It's not that you've thought of asking Amy how Aubrey is doing, am I right?"

Beca took a deep breath. Chloe was upset and she was taking it out on her and Claire. Quite unfair to be honest, but if it could make Chloe feel better and get out all the feelings she was suppressing, then okay.

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