Don't Leave Me

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A/N Long chap. And, again, sorry for the wait.

When you're sleeping, your perception of space and time is messed up. Like, literally. You may think you've just fallen asleep, that your dream has just begun playing in your mind and then you suddenly wake up, not exactly knowing how much time you spent with your lids closed, how much of that movie that premiered in your mind is fiction and how much is actually true.

And what happens once you wake up?

Usually, you're frustrated. Frustration comes once you realize you haven't actually won the lottery or you haven't really got an A in that test you've been studying so damn hard for. It comes when reality hits you and you get dragged back to your life, where everything is so... normal.

Frustration can naturally also come with nightmares. Maybe you're having a bad dream where your dog is dying, or, not to be so tragic, you got an F despite all your efforts. You may end up cry your eyes out in your sleep, you get sad, angry, mad, until you wake up. That's when a sense of relief washes over you, along with frustration: why the hell would you dream of something like that? You feel tired and not rested at all, you wish you could sleep longer and start over with a new dream, but you can't.

That's why Beca was hating it. For the first time maybe ever, Beca wished she'd never get to sleep again. Dreams had been quite agonizing lately and she had believed that, with time, the pain would be soothed, that she'd stop dreaming about Chloe sooner or later.

But every time she'd close her eyes, there she was, in all her perfection, her red hair cascading over her shoulders, her smile taking Beca's breath away even if it was all happening in her head. Chloe would just smile at her, grab her hand and walk with her her for a while before kissing her forehead and letting go of her, leaving Beca behind, unable to move and run to follow her.

Every night, the same dream. Or nightmare, who cares, whatever you want to call it.

The more Beca tried and forced herself not to think about Chloe during the day, the stronger her subconscious was getting, forcing her to think about her whenever she couldn't control it. Frustrating? Very much so.

But last night's dream was different, in a way. Chloe was always there, as beautiful as ever, and she'd taken Beca's hand in hers like always. They had walked side by side for some time before Chloe turned, looked at her and leaned forward to kiss her, this time on the lips. And Beca had kissed her back immediately, holding her close, aware of what was about to come: Chloe would break their kiss and start walking away. But Beca couldn't allow that, not this time.

Chloe had pecked her lips once more before smiling down at the brunette. But before she could do anything, Beca had grabbed her other hand and pulled Chloe into her, her arms instinctively wrapping around her waist.

"Don't leave me"

Chloe had smiled down at the brunette, "I have to", she'd stated simply, her tone quite neutral.

"No, you don't", Beca had kept pleading, her voice small, "Don't leave me, Chloe. Please"

"I'm sorry, Beca"

With that, Chloe had slowly pulled away and, without adding anything, she'd just left without even turning to say goodbye. Beca had helplessly watched as Chloe walked away, begging for her to come back.

Beca opened her eyes. It was unusually hot, she'd normally just freeze while sleeping, especially now that the snow season was coming, so she mindlessly stuck one of her legs out of the duvet she was tucked in. She breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she saw the sunlight coming in from the window... it was just a bad dream. Again.

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