When the Past Resurfaces

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It was a lazy Wednesday morning. The November sun was bright in the sky but its weak rays struggled to reach the ground. A thin layer of hoarfrost covered the green grass of the courtyard, the temperature being already under 50 Fahrenheit degrees.

However, Beca didn't seem to care about how cold it was outside. Tugged into the comforter and snuggled up to Chloe, her arms looped around her back to keep her close and warm, Beca thought that there was nowhere else in the world she would rather be.

Chloe was still sleeping blissfully. The brunette watched how her eyelashes twitched rhythmically, enraptured by how even her breathing was. She must have been dead tired.

She leaned down and gently kissed her forehead, finding it incredibly warm. One might have thought Chloe had a fever, but Beca was already used to the heat the redhead emanated while sleeping so she knew she didn't have to worry about her girlfriend possibly being sick.

A quiet, happy moan escaped from Chloe's mouth and Beca chuckled lightly. God, was she sweet. She had never seen anyone more beautiful. She stared at her in awe, red locks of hair cascading down her shoulder and framing her angelic face. She slowly brought her hand near her cheek and, as soft as she could be, she caressed her smooth skin.

Chloe smiled. Beca couldn't immediately tell whether that was an involuntary reaction to her touch, but having the redhead tightening her grip around her waist was enough for her to understand that she was indeed awake.

"Good morning, princess", Beca murmured. Chloe hummed in response. She nuzzled her neck and left a light peck on her jawline, "Five minutes", she pleaded in her sleepy voice.

"We can stay here all day if you want", the brunette reassured her as she pulled her closer until their bare stomachs touched, their legs being still entangled.

"Don't you have class?", Chloe murmured against her skin, her eyes still closed.

"I'm taking the day off", Beca answered plainly before planting a kiss on the top of her head.

Normally, Chloe would have insisted that the brunette would go. Education was important and she'd need to go to lesson if she wanted to pass her exams. But today she had finally woken up next to her girlfriend after six incredibly long weeks... and she wasn't ready to let got of her yet. "Good", she replied.

Beca grinned. "Have you slept well, little angel?", she asked softly.

The ginger nodded, "I haven't slept this well in ages — I missed having you between my arms", she answered, earning another kiss from the other girl, "What about you?", she probed, this time a little more lively, "Why are you already awake?"

The real question was why was she still awake. "I haven't slept much", Beca shrugged.

"Oh", Chloe sounded a little worried, "Why is that?"

The brunette briefly pondered over her answer. She had spent the night looking at Chloe, watching as she slowly fell asleep beside her, studying her every little detail and trying to find the things that had changed since she had last seen her. She had fallen in love with the way her chest raised and lowered letting air in and out of her lungs, breathing small, cute sighs that made Beca want to kiss her every time. She had watched over her and made sure that Chloe was really there. She didn't want to wake up and find out it was just some sadistic invention of her mind.

"I was too happy", the brunette finally said, her eyes brightly looking down at the ginger.

Chloe smiled, now more awake. She cupped Beca's cheek with one hand and leaned in until their lips met. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet", Beca muttered, subtly apologizing.

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