The After-Party

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Beca blinked a few times before finally waking up. It took her a second to realize that she had slept in her own bed instead of being in her campus room. Even though it was her father's house, in fact, she wasn't very familiar with the orange and red curtains that fell from the very top of the window and not even with the soft bed she and Chloe had spent the night in, and its red duvet, which the girls had involuntarily kicked off while sleeping because of the excessive heat.

One year before, her father had offered her to stay at his place while attending college, but Beca had promptly refused. A random Kimmy Jin had appeared to be a better option than her step-mother. Now, Beca found herself wondering what would have happened if she had accepted instead.

She shrugged to herself and decided that it didn't matter: after all, the Bellas would get a whole house for themselves the next year and, even though she would never admit it, she would never waste the chance to spend most of her time with them. Even though the comfort of having her own room was rather appealing, she had no doubt that sharing a house with her best friends would be the best choice.

With Chloe, in particular.

Her attention was automatically driven toward the cute ginger whose head was leaning on her chest. She had her arm firmly wrapped around her waist almost as if she was afraid that the brunette could flee during the night. Their legs were entangled and, if you asked Beca, she would say that feeling Chloe's bare, smooth skin against hers was one of the best sensations in the world.

Beca buried her nose into the red hair and, after deeply inhaling her scent, she kissed her forehead. Chloe smiled and sighed in her sleep and Beca seized the opportunity to attentively stare at her.

Stating that Chloe Beale was beautiful was a huge understatement to Beca. Her hair cascading on her shoulder and then down her back, the long eyelashes that twitched rhythmically, her rosy cheeks and her delicate lips... everything about her was perfect, even though she was just wearing a loose tee and some shorts.

Beca gently removed Chloe's arm from her stomach and slowly got up. She leaned downward and kissed her cheek with such tenderness that Beca was surprised by her own actions. She caressed her cheek and then exited the room.

The house was dead silent so the brunette assumed everyone was still asleep. As soon as she reached the staircase, she realized how much of a mess the house was.

"Fuck me", she muttered as she walked down, her eyes running from the pyramid of beer bottles in the entrance to the rolls of toilet paper scattered all around the corridors. At least she couldn't spot any puke stain.

She entered the kitchen and, after throwing away about thirty cups - some of which were still full of vodka, gin or whatever - she pulled a large bowl and a skillet out of a cabinet. She turned on the stove under the pan and then got all the ingredients she needed on the counter.

"Flour, sugar, butter, salt, milk and eggs", she listed at herself, "That must be everything, I guess?"

She lightly brushed the pan with oil and then started mixing all the ingredients together. It was harder than expected to have them all perfectly mixed up, the wooden spoon fighting against the dense mass of the flour and the eggs.

"I was wondering where you were", her favorite fruity voice coming from the kitchen door, "The bed was getting cold without you".

Chloe leaned against the wall beside her, her arms crossed in front of her chest, as she smiled widely while admiring her girlfriend messing about at the stove.

Beca stopped stirring and rubbed her hands together to get rid of the flour on them. She then walked to Chloe and kissed her, "Good morning, love"

"Now it's better", the redhead replied, her eyes slowly opening after shutting them to better taste Beca's lips, "Were you making pancakes?", she asked while sniffing the sweet scent.

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