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An insisting ringing coming from behind her woke Beca up. 

The tiny brunette grunted and checked her watch. 12.05 am. What the hell. She had been sleeping for barely one hour and she was already too tired to be alive. 

The date had been great. Definitely one of Beca's best nights and she couldn't have hoped for a better end. She and Chloe were now together. Like, a couple. For real.

That realization made her annoyance of being woken up fade and a dumb smile appeared under her cheeks.

She grabbed her phone without even looking who the caller was and picked up, "Who's this?", she whispered while cursing herself for not turning her phone off.

"Can't you read?", a familiar voice replied from the other side of the phone, "It's Aubrey, genius"

Beca rolled her eyes and emitted a quite loud sigh, "Why are you calling me now? Where's the fire?"

"You told me you would have called tonight but you haven't, soo... give me the gossip"

The DJ looked at her phone in the same way you would look at someone who's just made a really bad joke: perplexed and disoriented. That didn't sound like Aubrey. 

Beca shrugged, "Listen, I was actually sleeping, can I...?"

"I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW TO KNOW", Aubrey shouted. She sounded high. 

Beca was about to reply but her attention was caught by something moving beside her. Someone, actually. A ball of red hair peeped from under the blanket and a needy arm wrapped around Beca's waist. Chloe moved closer to Beca and, her eyes still shut, she rested her head on her chest. The brunette grinned and ran her fingers through the ginger hair. She was so tired that she had almost forgot she had slept at Chloe's.

"Beca? Are you still there?"

The rather high-pitched voice at the phone dragged her back to reality. "Yes", she answered, her tone almost inaudible so that Chloe couldn't be bothered, "But I really can't talk right now"


Chloe slowly opened her eyes and perked up a little to turn and face her girlfriend. Quite bemused, the redhead tilted her head, "Who's on the phone, love?", she asked while rubbing her sleepy eyes. Beca beamed and she wasn't sure whether it was because of how cute Chloe was or because of that pet name they had never used before. She liked it a lot, she definitely could get used to it.

"Aubrey", she mouthed to the redhead while caressing her cheek. Chloe rolled her eyes and giggled making Beca understand that she, too, had received tons of Beca-related texts from the blonde leader. The redhead signaled her to put the phone on speaker and, with her finger in front of her nose, she gestured Beca not to mention her presence. The brunette nodded in understanding.

"Okay", Beca went back to talking to Aubrey, "What do you want to know?"

The girls heard Aubrey breathe a sigh of relief, certainly pleased with herself for being able to extort precious information, "Did you guys talk?"

Beca looked at Chloe to make sure that she was okay with telling Aubrey. The ginger squeezed Beca's hand and nodded her head, smiling.

"Yes - yes, we did"

"Beca, we're not playing 'Guess Who!', you can explain yourself without me asking thousands of questions, you know", Aubrey hissed. Okay, the bitchy Aubrey was back, everything was fine.

Chloe hid her mouth behind her hand in the attempt of suppressing a laugh.

"We talked", Beca spoke as if Aubrey hadn't said anything, "And it turned out she feels the same way about me", she smiled when Chloe pecked her shoulder and rubbed her cheek against it, almost like a cat.

I'll Always Be The Rain Cloud To Your Sunshine [Bechloe]Where stories live. Discover now