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arianna's pov:

I slouched down into my chair as the teacher continued teaching us about quadratic formulas. The continuous scrape of the chalk drawing on the black board as she continued. I hated the sound. She was an ancient teacher; as you can tell, she used a black board instead of a white board like any regular teacher.

She turned around, her eyes scanning the class. Then he stuck his hand up. She rolled her eyes at the fact that Ethan put his hand up.

That's right. Ethan Dolan. The school's biggest badass. He was without a doubt, hot as hell; he had the looks, the wits and the body. He was also known as the school's player aka, a fuckboy. Despite the fact that everyone knew, all the girls ran to him like lost puppies to get on him but later realising and getting their heart broken. Well, surprise dumbass, what did you expect?

Of course there were two of them. Grayson Dolan. His twin brother. Except, Grayson kept himself to himself. In some aspects, Grayson still was a player however Ethan was way more dangerous than Grayson. I stayed away from Grayson despite his vain efforts to get into my pants. He eventually did give up. I rarely saw him in school and if I did, he hung around with his brother.

Ethan however, he was reckless, always getting into fights for fun, doing illegal activities which landed him in jail a few times, toying with girls and the list goes on. Thank goodness he was rich, otherwise he probably would've been expelled by now.

I was forever thankful that he never spoke or looked at me since back when we started school in seventh grade.

Back in seventh grade, we were paired to do a practical experiment and you can already guess that he was messing around. In the midst of 'messing around' he accidentally set the lab on fire and that landed us both in detention for two weeks. TWO WHOLE FREAKING WEEKS. Can you imagine how annoyed my mother would've been? Yeah.

Ever since that incident, I never spoke to him again and always tried to avoid him. I despised him.

Anyway, back to class.

"Miss, why do we have to do this? I know all of this. My mother's an accountant." he spoke.


Saved by the bell. Thank goodness. I got up packing all my belongings into my bag and shot to the cafeteria to meet my best friends for Lunch. My all time favourite part of the day apart from the part when I get to escape this hell hole.

I got in line and got some fries and a bottle of water. I sat down at our usual table.

"Ari, can we sit there?" Selena pouted referring to the table that was closer to the 'popular's' table. Poor Selena, she had a crush on Roman. One of Ethan's friends and you could already guess that he was a player too.

I hated sitting next to them. They were always too loud, too gross and overall, I hated all of them.

"Darling, you need to get over him." Sophia said as she raised her eyebrows. Selena's eyes lingered to Roman again who had his arm around Bianca. One of the school's hoes.

"Agreed." I said, shoving a fry into my mouth.

"I know, but it's something about him." she said as she bit into a strawberry. She had always bought fruit to Lunch and there was Sophia and I who would eat junk food all the time despite Selena's efforts to stop us from doing so.

"That's so oily." she said looking at my fries.

"Leave me alone." I said with a frown which melted into a smile.

"Food is the reason why I'm still single." Sophia said as she bit into her slice of pepperoni pizza.

"Dude, I'm fucked most of the girls in this school. There isn't anyone that I can't get." I overhear Ethan say. My eyes lingered to Roman whose eyes were now scanning the room. His eyes landed on someone unexpected and he smirked lightly. Me.

His eyes divert back to Ethan.

"Bet you can't get Arianna Martinez." he says. I quickly look back to Sophia and Selena and they're both looking at me with wide eyes.

"He just fucking said your name!" Selena whisper shouts. I turn to Sophia.

"You know how competitive Ethan can get! Start running." she hisses. I take her advice and get up and run to the cafeteria doors. I could feel Ethan and Roman staring at me as my eyes flicker back to them for a split second.

I look at the time and see that I have 5 minutes left till class starts. I go towards my locker and hear someone yelling my name in the distance. I turn around and see that Ethan is calling me. I stumble back a few steps trying to leave but my feet stayed glued to the spot.

"Arianna!" Ethan yells as he catches up to me faster than I expected. I mentally prepare myself for whatever bullshit he's about to say.

"Step one." he breathes or at least that's what I think he said.

"Do you know who I am?" he asks.

"No, dumbass, I was born yesterday. Of course I do Ethan." I roll my eyes at him.

"I know everybody loves me. Just checking if you do." he shrugs. He steps towards me, our foreheads against each other; I can feel his minty breath fan across my face.

His eyes hazel eyes staring directly into my green ones as he proceeds "step two." he smirks. He leans towards me and I can feel my body frozen in shock. My mind's screaming to get away from him but my body refuses to understand even though his lips are mere centimetres away from mine.

Before I could respond, he forces his lips onto my mine with so much strength that I almost fell over.

Shock was overtaking my body.

Ethan Dolan is kissing me!

a/n: hey guys, i'm aware i keep deleting my stories but i have no motivation or inspiration so i discontinue it.

please vote + comment and tell me what you think - should i continue this book or not??

lots of love

-N 💕

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