twenty one

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ari's pov:

"Cheese?" Ethan questions.

"Yes, cheese." I confirm. I panicked okay? God, why did I ask him about freaking cheese?

"Arianna..." he says slowly. "Did you fall and hit your head or something? ..or did you consume some pot brownies?" he asks.

"No, no pot brownies or head dropping," I chuckled.

"Have you consumed any alcohol recently?" He asks, seeming concerned.

"No, Ethan, I'm completely okay. Are you though?" I ask. I know I shouldn't push it but I know he's upset. If I were upset then I wouldn't want to bottle it up otherwise I'd lose my mind.

The line stays silent for a couple of seconds. "Ethan?" I ask to make sure that he's still there.

"I'm fine." he says monotonously. Everyone know when you say that, that you are most definitely not okay.

"What's wrong Ethan? You know you can always talk to me. I guarantee that you will feel much better if you get it off your chest. Just—" but Ethan cuts me off.

"Shut up! Just shut up Arianna! I don't want to talk to anyone. Especially not to you," he spits.

"Me? What's wrong with talking to me?" I ask, hurt.

He feigns a laugh, "What's wrong? Maybe the fact that I don't know you! You're just another stupid girl that I'm trying to get into bed with me! You mean nothing to me. You're a nobody Arianna." he says.

I feel my chest tighten at the words that he's thrown at me. He thinks I'm just another girl that he can use? I close my eyes trying not to take what he just said to heart.

"Thanks Ethan." I whisper, my breath quivering.

"Wait Arian—". I've heard enough. I end the call, staring up at the ceiling of my room. Tears start to prick my eyes. I pick up my phone and dial Sophia's number but it goes straight to voicemail.

Hopefully she'll call me back soon. My phone starts ringings again and I answer it straight away without looking at the caller ID.

"Soph." I say.

"Arianna." Ethan whispers and I let out a little sob at the sound of his voice.

I'm about to end the call when Ethan shouts. "Wait Arianna! Please just listen to—"but I cut him off. "No Ethan! You listen to me," I snap. "I have tried to talk to you, I have tried to listen to you, I have tried to comfort you because I know how it fucking feels like! But you know all you've done? Put me down constantly! Real relationship or not Ethan, we are OVER. I would rather deal with Xavier's bullshit than listen to you tell me how worthless I am everyday! News flash Ethan - my father did that already!"

"Please don't talk to me anymore and delete my fucking number off your phone." I say before ending the call.

I sigh and look at nothing in particular. I could feel the sense of constant numbness in my chest and I hated it. What did I do wrong?

I stand up and let out a frustrated scream and throw my phone across the floor. How did things escalate so quickly? All I was asking about was cheese. Freaking cheese.

There's a knock on the door and it opens with a creak. "You okay sweetheart?" I hear my mom say. I sigh and shake my head into my pillow, the tears unwilling to stop. I know it wasn't a real relationship but the breakup felt real. I knew it definitely hurt like a real one.

I thought of what Sophia said. Maybe I do like Ethan. But why?

Was I overreacting? Fuck no I wasn't. I mean he told me off in the bar but I let it slide but when I called to check up on him, his conceited self started shouting about how I was just a toy to him. All I was doing was checking up on someone who is upset. If I do that, I care about you. Shouldn't you be thankful for that? All he did was put me down just to make himself feel better. Fucking asshole.

I feel my mom lie down beside me and I turn to face her. She wraps her arms around me. "Want to talk about it?" she asks gently. I shake my head, my watery eyes still shut.

"Do you want me to sleep in here with you tonight?" she asks. I nod my head and she comes closer to me, wrapping to the duvet over us.

"It'll get better, hun. I promise you." she whispers. I hope you're right mom.

I really do.

a/n: holaaa! i'm sorry for not updating more frequently ^_^ however, I have summer vacay so i will be ;)


lots of love and d,


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