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arianna's pov:

His hands snake around my waist pushing me closer to his body. He deepened the kiss and began biting on my lip.

What was I doing? I'm kissing Ethan Dolan. His lips have sucked half the girls mouths in school. My mind was screaming to get away from him and don't ever speak of such again but my body was responding differently.

I wanted to pull way but instead I kissed him back.

No. Get it together Arianna. He's a fuckboy.

With that in mind, I pull away taking a deep breath and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

"Fuck!" he groaned. I had to admit, he sounded hot as hell when he cursed but I couldn't.

I took this opportunity and ran to class as quick as I possibly could.

ethan's pov:

I look at her as she sprints her way to her class. Her thick thighs moving as she ran. She ran quite quick for a girl to be honest.

I stood there clenching my legs together shouting various curses. She kicked me in the balls.

No girl has ever kicked me. Especially as she was kissing me.

"Holy shit," I muttered as the pain starts to wear down. I let out a grunt as I suck it all in.

Feisty, I like it.

I looked as her body disappeared out of my sight. If Arianna thinks she can hide from me that easily, she's awfully wrong. I'm Ethan Dolan I get what I want.

Roman thinks that I won't be able to get her. But I will. I'll make her fall in love with me and break her heart into pieces when I get bored of it. I know that Arianna won't make it easy for me however, I like to have a challenge every once in a while.

Challenge accepted Arianna.

You see, when it comes to this, I have a five step plan to get any girl I want.

Step one: Introduce myself. Even though I'm so popular and majority know me, I need the girl to know who I am. Once I introduce myself, they're already all over me.

Step two: Kiss them. Its pretty simple actually. Most girls dream of kissing me but I don't really notice unless I get bored or would like some entertainment in bed. Every girl has kissed me back. Even Arianna did. Not a single one of them hasn't kissed me back. But no one has kicked me. Except Arianna.

Step three: Ask the girl out. Usually, they would get into bed with me as soon as I introduce myself. Some girls were a little harder to get so I had to take them out. Especially at the beginning of high school because I needed a good reputation.

Step four: Fuck them. I know I sound blunt but it's just what I do. I have a little fun playing with her but that's about it. After one round, it gets a little boring and let's face it: what guy, this good looking is going to stay with one girl? Exactly.

Step five: Ditch them. One of my favourite steps. I leave as they beg for me to stay. A handful of girls have fallen for me before but I never cared. They had broken hearts but did I tell them to fall for me? Nope.

And that's my full proof plan. It always works and I get any girl I want with it. Including Arianna. If she wanted to play hide and seek. Let's play baby. I'm all ready to see that perfect body of yours.

I look down at my phone and decide to ditch class. I no longer was in the mood so I texted one of the sluts of the school. I didn't know her name but who can blame me? I've slept with countless amounts of girls and I can't remember the name of each and every one of them can I?

I go onto iMessage and text her.

ethan; meet me in the janitor's closet next to social studies babe ;)

slut #2; okay baby, see you in a bit x

I sigh and shut my phone off. The bell rings as I make my way to the dusty closet. As the crowd clears for lesson, I see her enter. She swayed her hips as she walked and wore a smirk on her face.

Her skirt rode up on her ass a little too high and her cleavage was more exposed. She bit her lip in attempt to look seductive.

She wrapped a perfect strand of her blonde, curled hair around her finger as she chewed on her gum.

Damn, she was sexy but she needed to tone down on all the makeup. Especially if her eyebrows look like blocks.

I shrugged away the thought and looked down.

I smiled at myself as the slut approached me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

Time to have some fun.

a/n: yo wassup hoes :)
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lots of love and dicks,


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