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ari's pov:

I walk through the front door to my house, still feeling a little hurt from Ethan's words. Suck it up Arianna! You're a bad bitch, don't let a guy bring you down!

Self motivation at its finest.

After I hand my mother her piña colada, I make my way up the stairs. "I'm watching Orange Is The New Black if you wanna watch," she shouts.

"I'm good mom, I think I'm just gonna go to bed," I yell from the top of the stairs.

"Sweet dreams doll," she says. Doll was something that only Ethan called me.

What happens now? Do I just keep fake dating him and pretend that nothing ever happened?

I pick up my phone and dial Sophia's number, groaning into the phone. She catches on almost immediately.

"Soph," I whine.

"Ari," she says back in the same tone. "What's up?" She asks a few seconds later.

"Ethan." I groan as if it explains everything. I flop down onto my bed.

"The sexy bastard you call your boyfriend?" she chuckles. I nod then realising she can't see me. "The one and only."

"What about him?" she proceeds to ask. I sigh, I guess I'm going to have to tell her the truth at some point.

"He's not really my boyfriend," I confess.

"Ha! I called it, Selena owes me fifty bucks!" she exclaims victoriously. I groan once more, "Soph," I whine.

"Okay, I'm sorry! Tell me everything," she commands. I explain every detail to her, from the time he kissed in the hallway to making out in front of Xavier to meeting him at the bar.

"What? He said that?" she asks, completely shocked at his behaviour. "Yup and he said and I quote, you're just another chick that I'm talking to so I can win a bet!" I say imitating Ethan's deep voice.

"Well, that's a dick move. You should just chop his balls off," she says. "I should." I sigh.

"Ooo, yes, I have all the equipment needed for this. When shall we do it? After school Monday?" she asks.

"Sophia, what shall I do?" I say, in all seriousness.

"Well, it's obvious that you like him. Wait till Monday to see what happens. Its vacation in a week so you won't have to see him for a month except when you have to go to meet his adoptive parents then the bet will be over when school starts again." she says.

"I don't like him!" I deny, immediately. "Mhm," she coos, probably smirking. "That's exactly why you guys have made out four times - because you 'don't like him' right?" she muses. I groan and smile to myself.

"Just talk to him okay?" she says. "About what?" I sigh. "I don't know! Talk about cheese! But talk to him!" she scolds.

I start groaning once more and Sophia joins in with me and I start smiling.

"See you Monday?" I say. "Monday. Bye!" she chirps.

I put my earphones in and scroll through Instagram, debating on whether I should call Ethan or not. 

Should I call him?

He was such an ass though.

But what if he needs someone to talk to?


I pick up my phone and dial Ethan's number. It rings a couple of times before he answers. "Hello?" he says.

I sigh, what if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he ends the call? I don't know what to say! What do I talk about? He obviously doesn't want to talk about his feelings. Should I just ask anyway and be the nicer one? I sigh once more and decide to say the first thing that came to my mind. I frown, what if I shouldn't say it? Ugh, fuck it.

"Do you like... cheese?"

a/n: i only like Mozzarella cheese. its delicious on everything wow. sorry for the overdue update, i had writer's block ://

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lots of luvvv & dickkk,


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