forty three

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ethan's pov;

I looked at Arianna, admiring her pretty features. She looked absolutely gorgeous when she's asleep. I removed a strand of hair from her face, staring at her mesmerising lips.

I moved closer to her face and planted a kiss on her lips gently. Usually, she'd wake up and kiss me back almost immediately.

Yesterday was one of my best days of my life. You should've seen the joy on her face when I bought her to the beach. Her gorgeous smile was almost catchy. I've never seen her smile so much in my life and I was so happy I was the reason for it.

"Aria?" I whisper, stroking her cheek with my thumb.

No response.

I shake her a little more.

No response.

I sit up properly and take the blanket off of her body, shaking her shoulder, "Aria? Wake up please." I whisper. I check her pulse and her breath but there's nothing.

My chest tightens. No. This can't be. Please. I run next door to Jay's room, knocking on the door loudly and rapidly. Panic was overflowing my body.

He opens the door, looking at me groggily, "Yeah?" he yawns, stretching his arms.

"We have to take Arianna to the hospital. Sh-She's not waking up."


Everything started to go really slow, like I was in a slow motion movie as I stood outside the hospital door.

Two words.

"I'm sorry."

Three words.

"It's too late."

Four words.

"Arianna Martinez is dead."

Five words.

"There's nothing we can do."

I stare at the doctor, unable to comprehend what he was saying. I started to feel dizzy and it feels like I'm falling. Like the floor has disappeared into an endless darkness.

"C-can I see her?" I ask.

Arianna's mom and brother are already in there but those who aren't family aren't allowed in yet.

The doctor nods and I push past him opening the door. There's only two sounds I could hear. My heartbeat and the lonely sound of the monotoned heart rate monitor.

Arianna's mother is sobbing and gripping onto Arianna's hand which has now turned a pale shade. Her brother is just standing, blinking. Not staring at anything in particular; at nothing.

Arianna's mom looks up then nods, dragging Jay out of the room, leaving me with the only girl that has meant something to me in a long time.

The last girl I loved died too; my mom.

I choke on my tears trying to convince myself this was all some cruel prank but it wasn't.

"Aria? Doll? Wake up please." I whisper, tears still spilling down my face. I sit down on the chair next to her bed and lean my head on hers, tears spilling onto her still body.

"Come on," I wipe my finger across her cheek. Her skin is pale and cold and she isn't moving. "Aria, if you wake up, I'll buy you pizza and watch any Disney film you like. I can't let you die, I need you. I need to kiss you and I need you to fight with me and cuddle with me and stay with me." I look away from her wiping my tears but more and more continue to replace them.

The pain in my chest is unbearable. It's like I can't breath and everything feels real. It is real.

Maybe I'm just in a cruel nightmare.

"Please stay. I want you to stay with me forever, you can't be taken away from me. I'm begging you, please stay."

"I want to travel the world with you Aria. I want to get married to you and I want you to have my kids. I just got you, I can't lose you. Please." I say, clutching onto her hand tightly. It didn't feel real but it was.

"We have to get old together and survive because you haven't given me back any of my hoodies." I turn and laugh through the uncontrollable tears, waiting for a reaction. I needed a reaction.


I back up against the hospital wall and slide down onto my knees. My doll is gone.

Arianna is gone.

She's dead.


a/n: yeah i know i'm ready for the comments. fucking come at me bitch 😤😤 jokes i'm sowwwy🥺 also i'm going to update soon, maybe again today bc i'm bored we'll see 🤷🏽‍♀️

in the mean time, check out my new book called  ~ Cupcake | Grayson Dolan ~

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