twenty nine

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ari's pov:

I sit down on the grass, a book in my hands and my music blasting through my ears.

All the parents had left to have some tea, leaving all of us hanging out together.

I glare at Ethan, who has been flirting with some chick called Mia, that came along with us. If he's trying to make me jealous, it's definitely working.

"Arianna?" I hear someone say my name. I look up and smile at the guy that approached me.

He grabs a towel, drying himself off. He didn't have a bad body to be completely honest. His name was Liam. "You like Ethan? Wanna make him jealous?" he asks, sitting down next to me.

"What? If you're going to kiss me, no. I wouldn't hurt him like that." I say.

"You sure about that?" he asks, his eyes flicking to Ethan. I follow his gaze and my heart drops. "Oh my god," I whisper. I stare at Ethan as he pulls Mia closer to him, his hand on her thigh as he deepens the kiss. "Hey, it's okay," Liam says.

"Why don't you go for a swim?" he asks.

"I-I don't want to." I frown.

"Swimming will help you clear your mind. C'mon, I'll come with you." he says. I stare at him for a few seconds. He was a cute looking guy. Maybe it'll make Ethan jealous.

I stand up and remove my clothes, Liam staring at me. I smile as I start running, Liam behind me and we jump into the lake. I didn't realise how close to Ethan and Mia we were that we ended up splashing both of them.

"Ugh! You ruined my hair!" Mia squeals. Liam rolls his eyes at his sister's reaction. Ethan turns to me, except his eyes wonder down my body.

"What?" I say, annoyed. Ethan looks up at me, raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes at him and follow Liam as he swims away.

I smile, as he starts splashing me. We end up having a lot of fun.

I stop, catching my breath, when I see Ethan out of the corner of my eye. He's sitting on the edge of the lake with Mia. Kissing her. Again.

That really broke me. I turn around and get out of the water, running to a nearby tree.

Why did I have to fall for a player? I'm just somebody else that he's playing with. He doesn't mean what he said. You wouldn't kiss someone else if you loved someone.

Tears slip out my eyes and I quickly wipe them away. Liam approaches me. "Arianna?" he asks.

"You still want to make Ethan jealous?" he asks coming closer to me.

"I'm just going to kiss your neck okay? No kissing as said. Trust me, I'm gay as crocs. Well, I'm bi, but still." he smiles. I nod at him as he comes closer to me.

"Mhm, Liam," I say loudly exaggerating. I hear Ethan approaching us and I tug on Liam's hair making him groan.

"Arianna? Liam? What the fuck?" Ethan yells. Liam immediately stops and stares at me. "Go," I mouth. He frowns then nods, walking back to the lake.

"Why were you with him?" he scowls. I stare at him for a few seconds. Did he really just say that? I come closer to him and slap him. He turns around and glares at me.

"You know what? I'm so fucking stupid for falling for you." he says shaking his head.

"Yeah you are." I say, rolling my eyes.

"I fell in love with you Arianna! I'm so fucking stupid! I regret everything! I wish none of this happened!" he says.

I felt a pang in my chest and my hands suddenly start to shake at his words. "Even the k-kisses?" I breathe. "All. Of. It." Ethan says slowly, glaring at me.

"Even the kisses." I repeat, my breath quivering. "All of it Arianna! You're a bitch!" he shouts.

My heart tightens inside my chest and I suddenly feel out of breath, like he just kicked me in the stomach making me feel hollow. Like there was nothing left inside me.

A wave of emotions come over me. Anger, deceit, but worst of all, pain. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to hold back any tears in my eyes.

ethan's pov:

She stares at me and I stare straight back. She looks hurt but she's trying to cover it up. It's true, I regret falling in love with Arianna. She ruined everything. She used me to make her ex-boyfriend jealous. I wish I never fell for her.

"Y-you think I-I'm a bitch?" she whispers. I nod, still glaring at her, "You are." I state.

I see tears in her eyes, making them look glossy as she looks away from me. After a moment of silence, she nods in understanding. "You're right. I'm sorry." She says starting to walk away from me.

"Ha! I won! See, you're walking away from me! I have won, I beat you." I shout.

Arianna turns around to me, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, Ethan. Congratulations, you won. A long time ago actually. I hope you're happy, because you sure as hell just lost me." she says turning back around, walking away from me.

I turn around, resting my head against the tree. I caused her so much pain. What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

"Shit!" I curse, continuing to shout profanities as I punch the tree. I look at the blood on my knuckles.

What have I done?

a/n: i'm so emo!!!! i'm SORRY!!! NICKI MINAJ HAS ME IN MY FUCKING FEELS. COME SEE ABOUT ME MAKES ME LIKE THIS OK. if you don't believe me, go listen to the song!1!! You have every right to hate me once again LoLOl besides that, i'm about to start my period so yH, fEElinGs, hOrmOnES

BIG S/O to loyal ass person ChubbyAiono 💕

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