thirty five

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ari's pov:

"What? What are you staring at?" I smile, covering my face in shyness.

"You, princess. You're so damn beautiful. I fall in love with you more and more every single day." he says. His hand reaches for my cheek and he pulls me close to him.

"E, you have no idea how much I love you." I say. He twirls a strand of my hair around his fingers, his eyes staring directly into mine.

"I wanna travel the world with you. I want you to have my fucking kids Aria." he says. I smile, my cheeks going a shade of pink.

"Let's go to Paris." Ethan says afterwards.

"What?" I chortle.

"Let's go to Paris." Ethan repeated.

"You're crazy." I say, sitting up in his bed.

"What? Why?" he says.

"I can't afford that, we have school and on top of that, I just can't leave my mom." I say, shaking my head.

Ethan got out of bed.

"You're wrong there doll. We have next week off school, I have your mother's permission. I have your passport and your ticket and we leave in two days." he says holding up two plane tickets in his hand.

I get out of his bed running towards him and almost jumped on him, making us both topple over but I manage to land on top of him.

"Grant, why are you the sweetest man in existence?" I say, on top of him.

"What can I say?" he chuckles lifting me up and putting me down on his bed. I got into comfier clothes and we sat down on the coach together snuggled up.

Two days later

"Arianna! Come on! We're going to be late!" Ethan yelled from the front room, standing next to the door with a suitcase.

"Just..give me two seconds!" I say, shoving a load of things into my handbag. I had already packed my bags the night before but as usual, there were bits and bobs thats I missed. I put my headphones around my neck and drag my suitcase outside along with Ethan's. Ethan puts my suitcase in the car along with his.

He sat down in the driver's seat and rested his hand on my thigh as we started driving.

"Are you ready princess?" he smiles. I nod in excitement as we drive off towards the airport.


"You have a fucking private jet Ethan?" I yelled.

"Yeah. Well, I mean technically it's my parents but they said that I could use it to take you. That reminds me, they want you over for dinner soon. Formally. As my girlfriend." He says.

I slight nervousness creeps onto my face and Ethan notices straight away.

"Princess, you've stayed with them. They love you. To be honest, when you visited with your family, they were talking about how pretty you were and how nice and amazing you are." he says. I give him a gentle smile.

"C'mon, get that fine ass on the plane baby," he says slapping my ass as I walked up the stairs.

We sat there for a few minutes whilst the jet was preparing for take off. Ethan sat down next to me putting his belt on and I fastened mine.

I held his hand tighter as the plane began to lift off the ground.

"You're scared?" he asks.

"No, I'm just not keen on the fact that we lift off the ground but after that, I'm fine." I say. He gives me a reassuring look and intertwines our fingers clutching my hand and somehow giving me comfort.

I put my headphones on and blasted my music for a few hours before I drifted into a daze. I felt Ethan's arms around me, his scent engulfing me.

a/n: i've had realllly bad writer's block! i'm super sorry! on top of that, i've had my mock exams so ive been revising :/

stay tuned for a new chapter though soon! just a pre-warning, the book is going to be ending soon :( BUT THERES GOOD NEWS: i'm starting a nee book - hopefully one that i won't delete and it's called imperfect | ethan dolan so go check it out :)

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