twenty seven

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ari's pov:

"Arianna, what are you doing here?" Ethan asks, his eyes widening.

Oh my gosh, I was trying to avoid him as much as I possibly could but now I have to put up with him for the whole week. I really didn't want to put up with his dumbass.

Couldn't I have seen this coming? I mean my mother did say that this family had three kids my age. Who am I kidding? That could be anyone and just to my luck, it was Ethan and Grayson. They had another sibling?

What am I still doing here? I felt like I forgot how to speak English.

Do I even English?


"Aria?" Ethan says slowly. I take a few steps back as he comes closer to me. Maybe if I just subtly keep walking, he'll stop trying to talk to me. I keep walking backwards until I bump into a hard chest. I turn around and see Jay standing there.

"Oh, hey man, you're the guy that was in my sister's bedroom alone!" Jay says to Ethan. I want physically face-palm myself but I restrict myself from doing so.

"Yeah..." Ethan says awkwardly. "Are you guys dating? I heard that you were. Are in love and all that shit? Or were, if you're not together?" he asks. Now, I feel like face-palming his face. Very hard.

"No, we're not together anymore and I—" I start but Ethan cuts me off. "And I was always in love with her and I still am," Ethan finishes looking at me. I stare at him in shock, my heart pounding. He said he loved me and he wasn't drunk.

Ethan stares at me intensely and I feel like I'm going to melt. "Well, this is awkward..." Jay says breaking the silence.

I turn around walking out the door, glaring at Jay as I pushed past him. I went into the empty room next to Ethan's flopping down on the bed. I stare at the ceiling.

Love isn't something you can play with. Especially when it comes to feelings. Maybe he thinks its not a big deal but it is important.

He just told me he loved me. It's hard to believe it when he kissed a girl right after he told me. I want to believe it, but what if he breaks my trust? What if he does it again?

I'm not ready to go through this shit again.

Ugh, I just want to hibernate. I'm going to be exhausted by the end of the week even if I slept for three years, I would still be tired.

Can I just hibernate and pretend that I'm not staying with the guy that I think I'm in love with. For fucks sake, I even confessed to him and I don't 100% know if it's love. Maybe I'm in love with the whole idea of love?

What am I saying? I don't know what I should do. I sit up on the bed that I was in, looking around the room. It smelt like cigarettes and weed along with aftershave.

It was Grayson's room.

I hear the door open and see Grayson standing there. "Oh, shit, do you want some alone time or..?" he asks. I smile at him, "No, it's fine. I'll get out of your room." I say, getting up.

"No, it's cool. I don't mind." he says.

"Kids! Come down, foods ready!" I hear Himari yell from downstairs. Great, I have to see Ethan again. Grayson runs downstairs and I stand outside before I'm pushed against the wall.

I turn around, ready to yell at whoever was pissing me off when I'm greeted by Ethan's face. And it was very close my face. Extremely close.

"We meet again, doll," he whispers, raising a single eyebrow. Fuck, that was such a turn on.

"What do you want?" I ask.

ethan's pov:

I stare down at Arianna. I didn't know what she was doing but I didn't like it at all. It's like I'm only happy when I'm with her which feels weird because I'm used to never being happy.

Shit just got real.

No, I'm not trying to be depressing and shit but its facts. My parents are dead and the only thing in my life that makes me happy is Arianna. It's petty as fuck because how horrible is your life if it comes to this?

The more I try not to kiss her, the more I want to. That's what I'm going to do to her. I'm going to drive her so crazy that she has no other choice but to kiss me and when she does, I won't let her. It's simple. It's not going to be easy. I know what she likes and I know what I can do to drive her insane.

That's what love is right?


"Please give me a chance to explain why I did what I did, Aria?" I say, softly.

She looks down and nods. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"The day I was drinking was the day my parents had passed away. I didn't think I'd see and I took my frustrations out on you when I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry." I say.

I continue, "When I kissed Angelica, it was because I felt hollow for my mistakes that I needed a distraction. It's stupid that I kissed her but I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so sorry. Please give me a second chance?"

I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to apologies. Exhibit A is located above.

Arianna sighs, "Give me a reason why I should?"

"I can't." I state, looking down at her lips. She sighs once more, pushing me away from her, going downstairs.

Time for Plan B.

Become the player she hated.

a/n: dun, dun, duuuuh! lol, i'm shitty at apologies too like 'uhhh, i'm sorry hahahaha' then i feel stupid as shit.

vote + comment bitchesss :)

lots of love and dick,


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