forty two

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ari's pov;

"Aria? Babe? Wake up, we're here." I hear Ethan say. My eyes blink open as I adjust to the amount of light.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking out of the car, stretching my arms.

"Well, princess, the night is not over yet." he says, a devious smile on his lips. I smile and give him a look.

"I got us tickets to a Nicki Minaj concert." he says holding them up with a massive smile on his face. I look at him, shocked more than anything.

"You did what?!" I say, smacking him. He laughs and fights me off.

"Babe, I paid for VIP so we get early access. C'mon, let's hurry! The concert starts at 7!" he grins, taking off his seatbelt.

"Ethan! Stop spending money on me!" I say. He gives me a stare.

"What?" I say, shaking my head.

"Let me spoil you. You deserve it." he says. I roll my eyes at him again; an action I did quite often.

We hop out of the car, paying for parking then stand in the line to VIP. We get to meet Nicki too and she was really sweet. We took some photos and managed to get merch too. Ethan took some more photos with his camera as we waited for Nicki to come on stage.

When she finally did, Ethan and I knew the words to every rap she was saying. I really had a lot of fun with him. I took some videos and posted them straight away, as did Ethan.

The lights dim and a spotlight is pointed at me and Ethan at one point. I look at Ethan and he has a smile on his face.

"Ethan? What's happening?" I ask, nervously.

"Just relax." he says. The security guards help me out of the barricades since I was front row and Nicki holds her hand out on stage for me to climb up. I take it and stand there, awkwardly.

"So guys, we have a very special event taking place today. Ethan Dolan, a friend of mine, wanted to surprise his girlfriend who is unfortunately suffering from cancer." she says. My chest tightens at her words. Was this really happening? Ethan was friends with freaking Nicki Minaj?! I didn't want everyone to know I had cancer. There was hundreds of cameras recording me at this moment. I scan the front row and I see Ethan recording me with a big grin on his face.

Nicki smiles at me, setting down a chair.  I sit down and look at the thousands of people staring, recording and cheering at me. I was overwhelmed.

"We have a special guest joining us tonight. He's doing me favour since he's in the area." she says with a smirk. The song begins to play and it's Swalla. Was she bringing out Jason freaking Derulo?!

The same man comes out from backstage and begins to sing and dance with the back up dancers. He comes up to me and I swear my heart dropped out of my ass. He started singing to me, dancing on me. Ethan gave me a look, making sure I wasn't enjoying myself too much. I smile and sing along, as did the crowd.

Nicki starts doing her rap and I rap along with her as the song continues. This definitely feels all too surreal. Security helps me down and I stand with Ethan again.

"How the hell are you friends with her?!" I yell. He shrugs and wiggles his eyebrows mischievously. I shake my head at him as she continues her rap.

Unfortunately the night comes to an end and me and Ethan grab something to eat. My ears were still ringing from how loud her set was.

"I hope you had a good day, my love. Even though I couldn't take you around the world, I wanted to check as many things as I could off your bucket list." he says. I smile and hold his hand tightly.

"I love you so much Ethan. Thanks for doing all of this for me. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I say. A genuine and sweet smile spreads across his face, causing me to literally melt on the spot. It was 12am right now and we were here sitting and eating pancakes together.

We managed to get carried away in a conversation together and I can't help but keep wondering how I got so damn lucky.

I know I won't be here long but I sure as hell hope that Ethan finds someone to share his life with someone like this, even if it isn't me.

a/n: love you guys. my period suckssss, i'm in so much pain and i get in my feels on my period so I'm awfully sorry for these depressing chapters.

vote & comment boo!
lots of luv & dickkk,

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