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ari's pov:

I woke up bright and early, the sun shining through the windows. I was definitely not a morning person at all. I grumbled to myself as I got up to get dressed and brush my teeth.

I pull on some mom jeans and put a yellow hoodie on and my Vans. I was basic as hell but I didn't have anyone to impress so why go through with all that effort?

I put some concealer, mascara and lip gloss on. These were my basic necessities simply because I didn't want to look completely like trash. I grabbed a granola bar to eat and started walking to school.

It wasn't too far from my house however, I put my earphones in and blasted my music so I couldn't hear anything or anyone else.

My mind wondered to school and how annoying it is. In all honesty, I didn't mind school except for math. Math is so confusing, they should just get rid of the subject completely. Ugh, I need a six month vacation twice a year, please and thank you.

It was all going well till I reached school and I realised what happened yesterday with Ethan. Fuck. Ethan.

I walked through the doors, taking a deep breath. As I walked to my locker, I scanned my surroundings. Why? For Ethan. Why did I suddenly have to be so confident and kick him in his downstairs? God, I'm so stupid.

I looked up and immediately saw Ethan and his brother along with Roman. His shirt was hugging his body in all the right places and he was wearing ripped jeans along with his signature leather jacket. He adjusted his sunglasses a little and that's when I knew he was looking at me.

I bit the inside of my cheek and I could feel Ethan's gaze on me. I hid my face with my hair as I quickened my pace to my locker.

I heard Ethan call out my name a few times but I blocked his voice by turning the volume up on my earphones. I approached my locker and turned to put the number combination in.

That's when Ethan's broad arm scared me as his hand rested on my locker making it impossible for me to open.

"Why are you ignoring me baby?" Ethan asked.

"Why are you talking to me?" I said, raising an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes at me but I found it incredibly hot.

"I need to talk to you, alone." Ethan said as he pulled me by the wrists into the janitor's closet. I was incredibly close to him and his cologne smelt so good. Reminded me of beach.

"Why? There's two minutes till class starts Ethan." I said. In certain circumstances, I would be more than happy to miss History but in this case, Ethan was the last person that I wanted to be with when skipping class.

As I lean against the wall of the janitor's closet, I look into Ethan's hazel eyes. They were mesmerising to look at as they turned different shades of brown in each type of lighting.

"What do you want?" I ask, as I took a few breathes. His eyes seemed to wonder deeper into my soul and I smirk gathers on his face.

"I want you baby," he breathes.

"W-what?" I let out a shaky breath.

He chuckles "You're cute, doll." he says as he leans closer to my face. I could feel his minty breath fanning on my face.

His lips came closer to mine and I realise I'm holding my breath in. I let it out when he doesn't continue to kiss me but instead, he comes closer to my lips and bites them. A moan escapes my mouth and I immediately regret it. Biting was my weakness and Ethan was the last person that needed to know.

An arrogant grin spreads across his face.

"Got it." he whispers.

His lips trace down my neck and he gently bites me again making me moan even louder. I felt his smile against the skin of my neck. Damn it.

He came closer to my ear and I felt him nibble on my ear lobe, pulling on it teasingly. I felt my knees giving out so I grabbed onto his broad shoulders tightly. Ethan Dolan didn't need to know my weaknesses. It was the one thing that bought me to my knees.

Not literally, ya nasties!

Again, he let out a small chuckle. He planted kisses all the way down till my collarbone. That's where I had my rose tattoo. It was a reminder of my grandma.

I bit down hard on my lips causing my breath to become harsher. I didn't want him to know these little things about me but now he did no matter how hard I tried to prevent it from happening.

He looked back up at me with a playful smirk across his mouth and before I could react, I felt his lips on mine and I couldn't seem to pull away. I didn't want this.

Ethan Dolan is kissing me. Again!

a/n: hey boo, how is your day going?
wow i need a bf tbf, single ladies wya looool

vote + comment for anotha update 😘

lots of love and penis,

-N x

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